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hwtk::listbox - Create and manipulate listbox widgets.



Creates and manipulates a listbox widget.



hwtk::listbox - pathName ?option value? ...



-clientdata, clientData, ClientData

-height, height, Height

-helpcommand, helpcommand, Command

-relief, relief, Relief

-width, width, Width





Command-Line Name: -backgroundimage

Database Name: backgroundImage

Database Class: BackgroundImage

Specifies the name of an image to draw as the list background.


Command-Line Name: -closeeditor

Database Name: closeeditor

Database Class: Closeeditor

Boolean option when set to true, the editor unposts upon successful set value. Default is set to false.


Command-Line Name: -headermenu

Database Name: headermenu

Database Class: Menu

Column specific header contex menu.


Command-Line Name: -headertext

Database Name: headertext

Database Class: Text

Specifies a text string to be displayed as the title.


Command-Line Name: -listener

Database Name: listener

Database Class: ActionListener

Action listener object. User can derive hwtk::interface::HWTreectrllistener and create class where you can overwrite the methods for all actions, such as events like Selection, ButtonPress, KeyPress, and so on.


Command-Line Name: -menu

Database Name: menu

Database Class: Menu

Context menu posted for RMB (Right Mouse Button) on Listbox.


Command-Line Name: -selectcommand

Database Name: selectcommand

Database Class: Command

Tcl script executed on selction in the Listbox

%-char substitutions are

%W widget path

%S selected items

%c count (number of items selected)


Command-Line Name: -selectindicator

Database Name: selectindicator

Database Class: SelectIndicator

Checkbutton will be displayed agains each item in the Listbox. User can select item by clicking on checkbutton. This can be configured as auto, show, or hide; defaults to hide.


Command-Line Name: -selectmode

Database Name: selectmode

Database Class: SelectMode

Specifies one of several styles for manipulating the selection. The value of the option may be arbitrary, but the default bindings expect it to be either single or multiple; the default value is multiple.


Command-Line Name: -showheader

Database Name: showHeader

Database Class: ShowHeader

Specifies a boolean value that determines whether this widget should display the header line with the headertext at the top of the widget. The default value is true.


Command-Line Name: -sort

Database Name: sort

Database Class: Sort

Specifies the boolean value that determines whether this widget should sort the items in the list; defaults to true.


Command-Line Name: -stripes

Database Name: stripes

Database Class: Stripes

Specifies the boolean value that determines whether this widget should draw background stripes for this widget; defaults to true.


Command-Line Name: -unique

Database Name: unique

Database Class: Unique

Specifies the boolean value that determines whether this widget should have all unique items or not.


Command-Line Name: -wrap

Database Name: wrap

Database Class: Wrap

Specifies whether items are arranged in a 1- or 2-dimensional layout. It accepts window or “”; defaults to “”.





In addition to the standard configure, cget, identify, instate, and state commands, listbox support the following additional widget commands:






set w [hwtk::dialog .dialog -title "selectlist demo"]

$w hide apply;

set recess [$w recess]


namespace eval ::texample {};


proc ::texample::OnSelect {W S c} {

    puts [info level 0]



hwtk::selectlist $recess.sl -stripes 1 -selectmode multiple -selectcommand "::texample::OnSelect %W %S %c"

pack $recess.sl -fill both -expand true;

$recess.sl columnadd entities -text Entities

$recess.sl columnadd id -text Id

$recess.sl columnadd color -image palette-16.png

$recess.sl columnadd thickness -text Thickness


for {set i 0} {$i < 100} {incr i} {

    set clr [expr {int(rand()*64)}]

    $recess.sl rowadd row$i -values [list entities  "comp $clr" id $i color [expr {$clr ? $clr : 1}] thickness $i.$i$i]


$w post