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hwtk::label - Display a text string and/or image



A hwtk::label widget displays a textual label and/or image. The label may be linked to a Tcl variable to automatically change the displayed text.




::hwtk::widget::HWLabel::hwtk::interface::HWIWidget::hwtk::interface::HWIBase::itk::Archetypedigraph HWLabel { layout = "dot"; rankdir = LR; ratio = "compress"; edge [color="#333333"] node [shape=rect, style="rounded,filled", fontname="sans-serif, serif", color="#000000", fillcolor="#FCFFF6", penwidth=0.5]; Archetype [label="Archetype", fillcolor="#FFF5FF", tooltip="::itk::Archetype", URL="../_auto/architecture.html"]; HWIBase [label="HWIBase", fillcolor="#E0FFFF", tooltip="::hwtk::interface::HWIBase", ]; HWIWidget [label="HWIWidget", fillcolor="#E0FFFF", tooltip="::hwtk::interface::HWIWidget", ]; HWLabel [label="HWLabel", fillcolor="#FFEAD8", tooltip="::hwtk::widget::HWLabel", URL="label.html"]; Archetype -> HWIBase; HWIBase -> HWIWidget; HWIWidget -> HWLabel; }


hwtk::label - pathName ?option value? ...



-borderwidth, borderWidth, BorderWidth

-clientdata, clientData, ClientData

-compound, compound, Compound

-help, help, Text

-helpcommand, helpcommand, Command

-image, image, Image

-relief, relief, Relief

-state, state, State

-text, text, Text

-textvariable, textVariable, Variable

-underline, underline, Underline

-width, width, Width



Command-Line Name: -anchor

Database Name: anchor

Database Class: Anchor

Specifies how the information in the widget is positioned relative to the inner margins. Legal values are n, ne, e, se, s, sw, w, nw, and center. See also -justify.


Command-Line Name: -justify

Database Name: justify

Database Class: Justify

If there are multiple lines of text, specifies how the lines are laid out relative to one another. One of left, center, or right. See also -anchor.


Command-Line Name: -padding

Database Name: padding

Database Class: Pad

Specifies the amount of extra space to allocate for the widget. The padding is a list of up to four length specifications left top right bottom. If fewer than four elements are specified, bottom defaults to top, right defaults to left, and top defaults to left.


Command-Line Name: -relief

Database Name: relief

Database Class: Relief

Specifies the 3-D effect desired for the widget border. Valid values are flat, groove, raised, ridge, solid, and sunken.


Command-Line Name: -wraplength

Database Name: wrapLength

Database Class: WrapLength

Specifies the maximum line length (in pixels). If this option is less than or equal to zero, then automatic wrapping is not performed; otherwise the text is split into lines such that no line is longer than the specified value.



label supports the standard configure, cget, identify, instate, and state commands.





::hwtk::dialog .d -title "::hwtk::label"

set f [.d recess]

::hwtk::label $f.l1 -relief sunken -image productHyperWorks-24.png -help "Image label"

::hwtk::label $f.l2 -text "Text label" -help "Text label with flat relief"

::hwtk::label $f.l3 -text "Text label relief raised" -relief raised -help "Text label with raised relief"

grid $f.l1 -sticky w

grid $f.l2 -sticky w

grid $f.l3 -sticky w

.d post