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Result Tab

Result Tab

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Result Tab

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hmtoggle_plus1greyResult comparison HV versions

The Result comparison HV versions tab ensures that HyperView does not deprecate any result information after post-processing.

Any combination of results from different data types, simulation and subcases are exported for each HyperView version and compared.
Any difference would trigger the problem and would be reported.

Different levels of verification and validation include:

Verification of the result file across two versions of HyperView (with the same solver version results.




From the Solver drop-down menu, select a solver whose results are to be compared.  Options include:



The value used to set the tolerance for the difference in values between the reference and current version result files during comparison.

From the Tolerance drop-down menu, select default, scalar, tensor, or vector.

Default - 1e-6 for all three (Scalar, Tensor, and Vector, if not individually chosen).

Scalar – Enter values if different for the scalar result type.

Vector – Enter values if different for vector result type.

Tensor – Enter values if different for tensor result type.

User defined tolerance – Set the individual tolerance value for all data types.


Click Apply to set new values (enter the values in the text box).

PPT Report

HTML Report

PPT Report - Select this option to have your results displayed in a PowerPoint report.

HTML Report - Select this option to have your results displayed in HTML.

Use one of these options to generate a PowerPoint or HTML report of the result value comparison.

For Pass - This returns a detailed report containing one slide per data type across load cases.

For Fail - In case of a failure, one slide per load case for each datatype is published so that it is easy to identify the load case that contains a difference in values.

Current and Reference

The Current and Reference sections contain the following option:

Version - Select the HyperView version from the drop-down menu.

Load Model

Select the HyperView model file.

Load Result

Select the HyperView results file.

Output directory

Click the file open icon, hwd_bmp00005, to select your output directory to store your results information.


Click Apply to apply store your results information.



Result Type

Select any combination of Subcase, Simulation, and Result type from the populated areas.

Click All to select all items listed.


Click Apply to generate data to compare the results with combinations of all of the above: subcase, simulation and datatype.

Compare result

The Compare result section displays the current file and the corresponding Reference file. Click Report to display the diff report detailing the differences between the files.


Click Messages to view any error messages.

Html Report

Generates an HTML report of your session information for any number of files run through the process.

hmtoggle_plus1greyResult comparison HG versions

The Result comparison HG versions tab performs time history comparison.  From this tab, you can perform the curve's super positioning of the current and reference version result files and plot the differences in curves.



Current Version

Select the current HyperWorks version number from the drop-down menu.

Reference Version

Select the HyperWorks version number of your reference file from the drop-down menu.

PPT Report

HTML Report

PPT Report - Select this option to have your results displayed in a PowerPoint report.

HTML Report - Select this option to have your results displayed in HTML.

Use one of these options to generate a PowerPoint or HTML report of the result value comparison.

Data File

Click the file open icon, , to load the data file.

Output directory

Clickto select your output directory to store your results information.


Extract and compare TRCs in the Current and Reference versions.


Click Apply to extract information from the data file.


Select a subcase from the drop-down menu.

X Type

Select an X type from the drop-down menu.

Plot only failed

Activate the Plot only failed check-box to only plot failed graphs.

Y Type

Y Request

Y Component

Select any combination of Y Type, Y Request, and Y Component from the populated areas.


Click Apply to generate TH plots with the selected Y Type, Y Request, and Y Component.

Compare result

The Compare result section displays the current file and the corresponding Reference file.  Click Report to display the diff report detailing the differences between files.


Click Messages to view any error messages.

Html Report

Generates an HTML report of your session information for any number of files run through the process.

hmtoggle_plus1greyCompare HG Versions - Template-Session

The Compare HG Versions - Template-Session tab performs time history comparison.  From this tab, you can perform the curve super positioning of the current and reference version result files and plot the difference in curves.


Current Version

Select the current HyperWorks version number from the drop-down menu.

Reference Version

Select the HyperWorks version number of your reference file from the drop-down menu.

PPT Report

HTML Report

PPT Report - Select this option to have your results displayed in a PowerPoint report.

HTML Report - Select this option to have your results displayed in HTML.

Use one of these options to generate a PowerPoint or HTML report of the result value comparison.

Input File

Click the file open icon, , to load the Session or Template file.

Output directory

Clickto select your output directory to store your results information.


Click Apply to extract information from the data file.

Plot only failed

Click on Plot only failed check-box to plot only failed graphs.

Visible Only

Click on Visible Only check-box to plot only visible graphs.

Plot Name(s)

Extract plot names from Session or Template file and display in list box.


Click Apply to generate TH plots with the selected Y Type, Y Request and Y Component.

Compare result

The Compare result section displays the current file and the corresponding Reference file.  Click Report to display the diff report detailing the differences between files.


Click Messages to view any error messages.

Html Report

Generates an HTML report of your session information for any number of files run through the process.