HyperWorks Tools

Result Types, Entity with Layers, Result Components, and Model Components

Result Types, Entity with Layers, Result Components, and Model Components

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Result Types, Entity with Layers, Result Components, and Model Components

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Result Types

Displays the available results for a subcase.

Include corner data

Turn on/off to include corner data if it is available in the result file.  This option is disabled if no corner data is contained in the result file.

Entity with layers

Displays the layers for the selected result type.

Result Components

Displays the result components that are associated with the selected result type.

When the All check box is checked, HvTrans exports full component stresses to H3D and HyperView calculates derived stresses during the post-processing. With this, all the tensor information (magnitude and directions) will be preserved. This is the most effective way to post-process tensor results, if tensor direction is a concern.

When one or more of the stress components are selected, HvTrans extracts only the scalar data of the selected components.  This is best used when tensor direction is not required and only a few important stress components, such as VonMises or principal stresses, are needed.

Model Components

Displays the model component names with IDs that are available in the model/result file.  Model components can be selected by loading the group files (*.grp,*.txt) using the Import Groups… button and then using the Use Group button.

When you load the group file, HvTrans lists the components present in the group file.  When you click the Use Group button, only the components in the list are selected in the Model Components box.

When you select the All check box under Result Types, Entity with layers, Result Components, and Model Components, the corresponding check boxes and the select_all, deselect_all and reverse_selection_icon buttons become inactive.  This indicates that all the results in the selection box will be translated.


See Also:

