MotionView User's Guide

Lateral Force Deflection

Lateral Force Deflection

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Lateral Force Deflection

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Branch ID: 70

Request Number: 50000070

Description: Lateral Force Deflection




1 (X):  Left Parallel Lateral Force Deflection


The left wheel center global lateral deflection due to parallel lateral forces on the left and right tire patches or:

1000*(C(2,2) + C(2,4)*slr + C(2,8) + C(2,10)*slr)

2 (Y):  Right Parallel Lateral Force Deflection


The right wheel center global lateral deflection due to parallel lateral forces on the left and right tire patches or:

1000*(C(8,2) + C(8,4)*slr + C(8,8) + C(8,10)*slr)

3 (Z): Average Parallel Lateral Force Deflection


The mean of components 1 and 2.

4 (RX):  Left Converging Lateral Force Deflection


The left wheel center global lateral deflection due to converging lateral forces on the left and right tire patches or:

1000*(C(2,2) + C(2,4)*slr - C(2,8) - C(2,10)*slr)

5 (RY):  Right Converging Lateral Force Deflection


The right wheel center global lateral deflection due to converging lateral forces on the left and right tire patches or:

1000*(C(8,2) + C(8,4)*slr - C(8,8) - C(8,10)*slr)

6 (RZ): Average converging Lateral Force Deflection


The mean of components 4 and 5.


See Also:

List of SDF Parameter Definitions