MotionView User's Guide

Browser Context-Sensitive Menu

Browser Context-Sensitive Menu

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Browser Context-Sensitive Menu

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The Project Browser context sensitive pop-up menu offers a variety of operation choices which are relevant to the entity and context.  These options allow you to quickly expand or collapse system/entity folders, save model and assembly files, add assemblies/systems, add entities to containers, rename, activate/deactivate, cut and paste, or delete entities, and view various model information.  You can access the context sensitive menu options by clicking the right mouse button on a folder, entity/item, blank space, or column header within the browser.


Project Browser Context-Sensitive menu

The visibility of browser context menu items is dependent on the current selection.  Only menu items belonging to the type of selected items will appear.  Options selected in an empty space apply to the entire model.  Click on the items below to see the specific context menu options available for each selection:

hmtoggle_plus1Model folder


Model folder context menu

hmtoggle_plus1System folder


System folder context menu

hmtoggle_plus1Assembly placeholder


Assembly placeholder context menu



Assembly context menu

hmtoggle_plus1Analysis (Inline)


Analysis (Inline) context menu

hmtoggle_plus1Analysis (External)


Analysis (External) context menu

hmtoggle_plus1"Entity" folder (Body folder, Point folder, etc.)


Body folder context menu

hmtoggle_plus1"Entity" (Point, Joint, etc.)


Point context menu

hmtoggle_plus1Multiple Bodies


Multiple Bodies context menu

hmtoggle_plus1Empty space


Empty space context menu

hmtoggle_plus1Column heading


Column heading context menu



Available for

Expand All

Fully expands all levels of the browser tree structure to show all items nested in the hierarchy.

assembly_icon_small_ mv Assembly placeholder

assembly_icon_small_ mv Assembly

analysis_panel_icon_small_mv Analysis (Inline)

analysis_panel_icon_small_mv Analysis (External)

point-16 "Entity"

Empty space

Collapse All

Fully collapses all levels of the browser tree structure to show only the root-level model (system) entity in the hierarchy.

assembly_icon_small_ mv Assembly placeholder

assembly_icon_small_ mv Assembly

analysis_panel_icon_small_mv Analysis (Inline)

analysis_panel_icon_small_mv Analysis (External)

entityMultibodies-16 "Entity"

Empty space




Expand All

Expands selected parent system (or folder container) to show all of its child entities.  Opens all of the child entity folders (children), exposing every item nested at every level under the selected system folder (only).

folderBlueMSystems-16 Model folder

folderBlueMSystems-16 System folder

folder-16 "Entity" folder

Collapse All

Collapses all child entities to show the parent system (or entity container) for the selected entity (or entities).  Closes all of the child entity folders (children), so that only the top-most level is displayed for the selected system folder.

folderBlueMSystems-16 Model folder

folderBlueMSystems-16 System folder

folder-16 "Entity" folder




Filter Using

Allow you to control what types of entities will be displayed in the project browser tree.  When toggled on, the filtering is driven through the toolbar instead of the browser.  The view will be filtered according to the currently active entity type selected on the toolbar (for example, Points, Bodies, Joints, etc.).

Note - All 'Show…' filter methods will not be accessible while this option is enabled.

Unchecking this option immediately removes all filtering (equivalent to the Show All Objects state).

folderBlueMSystems-16 Model folder

folderBlueMSystems-16 System folder

assembly_icon_small_ mv Assembly placeholder

assembly_icon_small_ mv Assembly

analysis_panel_icon_small_mv Analysis (Inline)

analysis_panel_icon_small_mv Analysis (External)

folder-16 "Entity" folder

entityJoints-16 "Entity"

Empty space

Show All

Removes all entity-based filter(s) so that all objects will be displayed in the browser.

Note - This option is not available when the Filter Using Toolbar option is active.

folderBlueMSystems-16 Model folder

folderBlueMSystems-16 System folder

assembly_icon_small_ mv Assembly placeholder

assembly_icon_small_ mv Assembly

analysis_panel_icon_small_mv Analysis (Inline)

analysis_panel_icon_small_mv Analysis (External)

folder-16 "Entity" folder

entityGraphics-16 "Entity"

Show Systems/
Assemblies Only

Browser content is filtered to show only System or Assembly entity types.

folderBlueMSystems-16 System folder

assembly_icon_small_ mv Assembly placeholder

assembly_icon_small_ mv Assembly

Show Analyses

Browser content is filtered to show only the Analysis entity type.

analysis_panel_icon_small_mv Analysis (Inline)

analysis_panel_icon_small_mv Analysis (External)

Show "Entity"

Browser content is filtered to show only the selected "Entity".

Note - More than one type of entity may be filtered simultaneously (for example, joints and points).

folder-16 "Entity" folder

entitySpringDampers-16 "Entity"





Opens the Save dialog that will allow you to save a file in the .mdl file format.

folderBlueMSystems-16 Model folder

assembly_icon_small_ mv Assembly

analysis_panel_icon_small_mv Analysis (External)

Save As

Opens the Save As dialog that will allow you to save a file in the .mdl file format.

folderBlueMSystems-16 Model folder

assembly_icon_small_ mv Assembly

analysis_panel_icon_small_mv Analysis (External)





Activates a previously "deactivated" item or selection of multiple items.

Note - The icon for a "deactivated" item has a dimmed appearance in the browser tree.

folderBlueMSystems-16 System folder

assembly_icon_small_ mv Assembly placeholder

assembly_icon_small_ mv Assembly

analysis_panel_icon_small_mv Analysis (Inline)

analysis_panel_icon_small_mv Analysis (External)

folder-16 "Entity" folder

entityVectors-16 "Entity"


Deactivates the selected item or items.  The browser icon for the deactivated item becomes 'dimmed' in appearance.

folderBlueMSystems-16 System folder

assembly_icon_small_ mv Assembly placeholder

assembly_icon_small_ mv Assembly

analysis_panel_icon_small_mv Analysis (Inline)

analysis_panel_icon_small_mv Analysis (External)

folder-16 "Entity" folder

entityGeometry-16 "Entity"


Allows you to rename/change the label for a single system/entity.  After a new name has been provided, use the ENTER key to complete the rename operation.  To abort/cancel the rename operation at any time during data entry, use the ESC key (or click somewhere away from the data entry field).

Note - The F2 keyboard shortcut can also be used to invoke the rename data entry field.

folderBlueMSystems-16 Model folder

folderBlueMSystems-16 System folder

assembly_icon_small_ mv Assembly

analysis_panel_icon_small_mv Analysis (Inline)

analysis_panel_icon_small_mv Analysis (External)

entityCurves-16 "Entity"


Allows you to merge two or more rigid bodies.  Refer to the Merging Bodies topic for additional information.

entityMultibodies-16 Multiple Body Entities

Select Assembly

Opens the Select Assembly dialog wizard that will allow for swapping out the current assembly for a different one.  If the assembly placeholder has a type specified, it will only be possible to choose that type of assembly.

assembly_icon_small_ mv Assembly placeholder

Reselect Assembly

Opens the Reselect Assembly dialog wizard that will allow for swapping out the current assembly for a different one.  If the assembly placeholder has a type specified, it will only be possible to choose that type of assembly.

assembly_icon_small_ mv Assembly


Processes all containers selected (including their children containers) and automatically chooses attachments, where candidates are available as attachments.  If there is any ambiguity in selecting an attachment, a pop-up dialog appears allowing the ambiguity to be resolved.  Requires usage of Attachment Candidates.

folderBlueMSystems-16 Model folder

folderBlueMSystems-16 System folder

assembly_icon_small_ mv Assembly placeholder

assembly_icon_small_ mv Assembly

analysis_panel_icon_small_mv Analysis (Inline)

analysis_panel_icon_small_mv Analysis (External)

Show Shared

Applicable for definition based entities (such as:  Systems, Analysis, Datasets, etc.) that share their definition with other instances.  Lists other instances that share the same definition as the entity listed under the Definition column.

Refer to the Managing Shared Definitions topic for additional information.

shared_instance_dataset_icon_browser_mv DataSets

shared_instance_forms_icon_browser_mv Forms

shared_instance_templates_icon_browser_mv Templates

shared_instance_commandsets_icon_browser_mv CommandSets

shared_instance_systems_icon_browser_mv Systems

shared_instance_graphicsystems_icon_browser_mv GraphicSystems

shared_instance_analysis_icon_browser_mv Analysis (Inline)


Applicable for definition based entities (such as: Systems, Analysis, Datasets, etc.) that share their definition with other instances.  Creates a new definition for the selected entity, thereby separating it from the definition that is shared with the other instances.

shared_instance_dataset_icon_browser_mv DataSets

shared_instance_forms_icon_browser_mv Forms

shared_instance_templates_icon_browser_mv Templates

shared_instance_commandsets_icon_browser_mv CommandSets

shared_instance_systems_icon_browser_mv Systems

shared_instance_graphicsystems_icon_browser_mv GraphicSystems

shared_instance_analysis_icon_browser_mv Analysis (Inline)




Add "Entity"

Opens the Add "Entity" dialog, allowing you to add an entity to the system or model definition. The name of the dialog changes depending on the entity type selected (for example, Add Body or BodyPair or Add Surface). The icon for this menu button indicates the type of entity to be added.

folder-16 "Entity" folder

entityGears-16 "Entity"




Add > System/

Opens the Add System/Assembly dialog wizard, which allows you to either add a new System, or add an Assembly. When adding an Assembly there are three options: Existing Data File, New Data File, and Specify Data File later (also known as an Assembly Placeholder).

folderBlueMSystems-16 Model folder

assembly_icon_small_ mv Assembly

analysis_panel_icon_small_mv Analysis (External)

Add > System

Opens the Add System dialog wizard, allowing you to add a new System to an existing system or inlined analysis.

folderBlueMSystems-16 System folder

analysis_panel_icon_small_mv Analysis (Inline)

Add > Analysis

Allows you to add new analysis to your model, modify attachments, set initial conditions for an analysis, and set analysis options.

folderBlueMSystems-16 Model folder

Add > ...

Allows modeling entities to be added to a model, system, assembly, or analysis.

Sub-menus residing below the top level Add menu, include the following:



Reference Entity >

Allows you to add:










folderBlueMSystems-16 Model folder

folderBlueMSystems-16 System folder

assembly_icon_small_ mv Assembly

analysis_panel_icon_small_mv Analysis (Inline)

analysis_panel_icon_small_mv Analysis (External)


Constraint >

Allows you to add:






folderBlueMSystems-16 Model folder

folderBlueMSystems-16 System folder

assembly_icon_small_ mv Assembly

analysis_panel_icon_small_mv Analysis (Inline)

analysis_panel_icon_small_mv Analysis (External)


Force Entity >

Allows you to add:




Spring Damper




folderBlueMSystems-16 Model folder

folderBlueMSystems-16 System folder

assembly_icon_small_ mv Assembly

analysis_panel_icon_small_mv Analysis (Inline)

analysis_panel_icon_small_mv Analysis (External)


Control Entity >

Allows you to add:

Solver Variable

Solver Array

Solver String

Solver Differential

Control SISO


folderBlueMSystems-16 Model folder

folderBlueMSystems-16 System folder

assembly_icon_small_ mv Assembly

analysis_panel_icon_small_mv Analysis (Inline)

analysis_panel_icon_small_mv Analysis (External)


General MDL
Entity >

Allows you to add:




folderBlueMSystems-16 Model folder

folderBlueMSystems-16 System folder

assembly_icon_small_ mv Assembly

analysis_panel_icon_small_mv Analysis (Inline)

analysis_panel_icon_small_mv Analysis (External)





Deletes the selected systems or entities from the model and removes them from the browser tree.  A pop-up dialog to confirm the delete operation will appear to prevent accidental deletion of items.  If Global entities (such as a Ground Body or Global Origin point) are included in the selection, they will be ignored and will not be deleted.

Note - The DELETE keyboard shortcut can also be used to delete the selected item(s).

folderBlueMSystems-16 Model folder

folderBlueMSystems-16 System folder

assembly_icon_small_ mv Assembly placeholder

assembly_icon_small_ mv Assembly

analysis_panel_icon_small_mv Analysis (Inline)

analysis_panel_icon_small_mv Analysis (External)

folder-16 "Entity" folder

entityBeams-16 "Entity"


Cuts the selected systems or entities from the browser tree.  No confirmation pop-up dialog will appear.  Items that have been cut from the model may be reinserted by using the Paste option on an appropriate System.

Note - You can essentially "copy" a set of selected entities (points for example), by using the Cut option once and then the Paste option more than once (into the Model or System).

folderBlueMSystems-16 Model folder

folderBlueMSystems-16 System folder

assembly_icon_small_ mv Assembly placeholder

assembly_icon_small_ mv Assembly

analysis_panel_icon_small_mv Analysis (Inline)

analysis_panel_icon_small_mv Analysis (External)

folder-16 "Entity" folder

entityAdvancedJoints-16 "Entity"


Paste puts any (previously cut) entities back into the browser tree at the selected hierarchical location.  It is important to note that the Paste operation is not valid and is disabled/'grayed-out' in the "Entity" and "Entity" folder context menus. Container folders will be automatically generated, as needed, in order to accommodate the pasted entities.  Any entities pasted more than once will have their varname(s) assigned automatically to ensure that they are unique.

folderBlueMSystems-16 Model folder

folderBlueMSystems-16 System folder

assembly_icon_small_ mv Assembly placeholder

assembly_icon_small_ mv Assembly

analysis_panel_icon_small_mv Analysis (Inline)

analysis_panel_icon_small_mv Analysis (External)




Data Summary

Displays the Data Summary dialog for the selected item(s) so that the entity type may be inspected in a tabular format.  The Data Summary menu button will be disabled (or 'grayed-out') for those entity types that are not supported within the Data Summary table.

folderBlueMSystems-16 Model folder

folderBlueMSystems-16 System folder

assembly_icon_small_ mv Assembly placeholder

assembly_icon_small_ mv Assembly

analysis_panel_icon_small_mv Analysis (Inline)

analysis_panel_icon_small_mv Analysis (External)





Allows you to show/hide the Varname column.  The varname of an entity is commonly used when constructing parametric expressions or when debugging models.

Column heading only.


Allows you to show/hide the ID column.  When enabled, the column displays the current solver ID for all applicable entities. Pair IDs are shown comma-separated (0,0).

Note - You can use the use Check Model tool to generate non-zero ID values.

Column heading only.


Allows you to show/hide the Definition column.  This column displays the definition name for definition based entities such as:  System, Assembly, Analysis, DataSets, Templates, Forms, and CommandSets.

Column heading only.


Allows you to show or hide the Color column.  When enabled, the color for an entity or a system can be specified by clicking on the color icon and making a selection from the Colors/Materials dialog.  When the color of a system is changed, the new color 'cascades down' having an effect on the colors of its children; the colors are updated in both the browser (icons) and in the graphics window. Similarly, changing the color of the 'Model' will effect the color of all systems, as well as their children, therefore this feature should be used with caution.

Column heading only.


Allows you to show/hide the Mesh column.  When enabled, the mesh and shading attributes for the selected entities can be set by clicking on the mesh icon and making a selection from the Mesh/Shade dialog.  The icons in the Mesh column are updated to reflect the settings for a given entity.

Column heading only.




All On

Enables the visibility of all available column headers (Varname, ID, Definition, Color, or Mesh).

Column heading only.

All Off

Disables the visibility of all column headers (except the Objects column, which cannot be turned off).

Column heading only.

Finding Entities in the Browser

The Project Browser is equipped with the ability to search for entities.  There are two methods that can be used to search for entities:

hmtoggle_plus1Direct Search
1.Left click anywhere in the browser (to have focus in the browser).
2.Start typing on the keyboard for the entity that you are looking for. The entry string in the keyboard could be part of the:
3.Press the Enter (Carriage Return) key to continue the search for the entered string.
hmtoggle_plus1Find Dialog
1.Right-click anywhere in the browser.
2.Select Find from the pop-up context menu (located at the bottom of the list).

Note - The CTRL + F keyboard shortcut can also be used.

The find dialog is displayed:


3.Key in a search string in the field and press Enter on the keyboard or click on Next.
4.Use the Options drop-down menu to select which columns to include in the search, or to ignore the case sensitivity.
5.Click the Prev button to go to the previously found entity.
6.Click Close to close the dialog.