MotionView User's Guide



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The Build component is the final step to build a leaf spring model into MotionView. The leaf spring builder saves the data you have entered to build a model and it can be imported in a leaf spring property file format.


The options in the Build section are explained below.

Run Modes: Choose any of the three options for the Run mode:

Assemble leaves and apply preload: Used to generate preloaded system definition in one go without user intervention. It generates a leaf spring system definitions as a result, which can be imported into the model.
Assemble Leaves: Used to check the initial model (before pre-loading) and to modify some numerical values but strictly no addition of any new entities.
Apply preload on assembled leaves: Runs a modified ‘.mdl’ model in batch mode and generates a leaf spring system definition. Mode 3 is applicable only after running the script in Mode 2. Mode ‘2’ and ‘3’ have to be used in succession, one after another, else these might throw some error.

Use Property File for Data Input: This option is used to browse an existing property file in the leaf spring builder to make some modification, and then build a new leaf spring system definition.


Write Property File: Write Property File check box is used to generate the assembled model that is built in the leaf spring builder to a Property File (lpf) format.

Error logging in leaf building process for debugging

Data log files are created when the leaf builder is executed:

Data log: Errors encountered while parsing a property file will be listed in this file. It hierarchically list down all the blocks successfully found and lists out any error that might have caused failure.

Once the property file is parsed, all the progress and any errors encountered while running the scripts to generate the leaf spring will be logged in this file. This file is generated in the same directory which is entered by the user as his/her working directory in the LTF file with the label ‘Data.log’. Sequential list of all the steps completed, elements created to generate the .mdl file etc. can be found in this file.

By selecting the Build button in the Leaf Spring Builder, MotionSolve process is invoked in the background to generate the MDL system definition file in the specified working directory. Finally, import the leaf spring MDL system definition file in the MotionView window to study the leaf spring model.