MotionView User's Guide

Export Data

Export Data

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Export Data

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Click Export Data on the Data Summary or Topology Summary dialog to export your data to an Excel or text file.


Export Data dialog

hmtoggle_plus1To export data from the Data Summary and Topology Summary dialogs:
1.From the Model menu, select Data Summary or Topology Summary.
2.From the Data Summary or Topology Summary dialog, click Export Data.
3.From the Save as type drop-down menu, select Excel files or Text files.
4.Under Select Data, select the data types you want to export with your file.  Select All to save all entity types or None to clear all selections.
5.If you choose to save your file as a text file, select Wrapped or Unwrapped from the Format Data drop-down menu.
6.Click Export.
7.From the Save As dialog, select a directory to which you want to save your file.
8.Enter a name in the File name text field.
9.Click Save.

The data is exported.