From the MotionView FlexTools menu, you can access the following:
Flex Prep
Displays the FlexBodyPrep wizard, which allows you to:
• | Create a OptiStruct File and use it to generate an Altair H3D file. |
• | Create a OptiStruct File. |
• | Use an existing OptiStruct file to create an Altair H3D file. |
• | Convert an ADAMS MNF file to an Altair H3D file. |
• | Mirror an existing Altair H3D file. |
• | Convert an Altair H3D file to an ADAMS MNF file. |
• | Convert an Altair H3D file to an ADAMS MTX file. |
• | Convert a NASTRAN PCH file to an Altair H3D file. |
• | Convert an Altair H3D file to a DADS FDF file. |
Flex File Gen
Allows you to create an Altair FLX file. This file references the .gra file, the .res file, and the N .H3D files used during animation.
Fatigue Prep
Generates ADAMS output files from a flexbody transient run, which can then be used in nCODE Fatigue software.
Load Export
An external module invoked from MotionView. This module allows you to take loads from an ADAMS run and create a tabular summary file or a NASTRAN input card for those loads.