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hmabaqus translates a binary or ASCII Abaqus (.fil) results file into a HyperMesh binary results file. The syntax to run the translator is:

hmabaqus [options] <inputfile> <outputfile> <modelfile>

To run hmabaqus from Hypermesh:

1.On the BCs page, select the solver panel.
2.Click the translator toggle and select hmabaqus.
3.For input file:, click browse... and select the .fil file.
4.Click Open.
5.For output file:, click browse... and write down the output file name.
6.Click Save.
7.Enter the options. To create an h3d file for a specific result, add –h3d after the options.
8.Click solve.

One or more of the following options can be used.  Use the command hmabaqus-u to obtain a list of these options.














nflux rotations


von Mises




Hydrostatic Pressure


Third Stress Invariant


Principal Stresses


Shear Stresses


Strain Energy Density




Sink Temperature


Film Coefficient


ECURS magnitude


NCURS magnitude


RECUR magnitude


ECD magnitude








Residual Flux


Concentrated flux


Internal Flux




Nodal Temperatures


Total Strains


Logarithmic Strains


Nominal Strains


Plastic Strains


Elastic Strains


Creep Strains


Thermal Strains


Principal Strains


Principal Nominal Strains


Principal Logarithmic Strains


Principal Plastic Strains


Principal Elastic Strains


Principal Thermal Strains




RMS Stresses


RMS Strains


Reaction Forces


Reaction Moments


Point Loads


Shell Thickness


Maximums (default off)


First Surface (default off)


Second Surface (default off)


Contact Results


Electrical Potential


Pore or Acoustic Pressure (default off)


Principal Stress 1 (Vector)


Principal Stress 2 (Vector)


Principal Stress 3 (Vector)


Shear Stress 1 (Vector)


Shear Stress 2 (Vector)


State Variable 1 (default off)


State Variable 2 (default off)


State Variable n (default off)


State Variable 20 (default off)


Do not convert local displacements into global (default off)


Read results for v5.6 on PC (default off)


Max simulations (default 999) (default off)


For specific STEP results (default off)


For specific ITERATION results (default off)


For specific frequency of ITERATION results (default off)


Translation is performed on disk


Number of entities (10000 default)


Scratch file name


Outputs file to an H3D file instead of to an hmresults file.  The file includes model and results information that was translated.  The model must contain geometry for it to be output to an H3D file. (default off)


Turns off all processing of element integration point values.  If you ask Abaqus to average values to element centroids, this option makes a considerable difference in the amount of memory needed.  If you also specify a result type that is found on element integration points, and the translator comes across such a result during processing, it reports an error. (default off)


State variables were being treated differently for some element groups from others.  For some element types, they were always included, and, for others, they were processed only if specifically listed, with the default listing all of them. Now, all are uniform.  They are translated only if you requests them to be translated.  Also, the translator used to allocate memory to process all 20 allowable state variables whether you asked for any or not.  Now, you can turn them on individually, and use just the minimum memory necessary, or you can turn on the first N of them using -nsdv. (default off)

-nsdv <number>

Turns on the first <number> state variables (max of 20).  If you list both individual state variables and also the -nsdv option, the listed ones are the only ones processed.  You can get complete compatibility with older versions by using -nsdv 20. (default off)


Note:Hmabaqus supports results for a range of increments and steps.  It also supports results with a specific frequency.

For example,

"hmabaqus -inc  10 12 14 40 55" gives results for  increments 10 12 14 40 55 for all steps.
"hmabaqus -step 1 5 6 19" gives results for all increments in steps 1, 5, 6 and 19.
"hmabaqus -step 1 5 6 19  -inc 10 15 26 31 55" gives results for increments 10, 15, 26, 31, 55 in steps 1, 5, 6 and 19.
"hmabaqus -step 1 5 6 19  -freq 2" give results for 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th .... last increments in steps 1, 5, 6 and 19.

In addition, the following parameters are also available when the results translation is not performed on the analysis platform and when the results file is binary.  One of these parameters may need to be specified to indicate the platform where the analysis result file was created.



Analysis File Created On




Dec 5000


Dec Alpha


Hewlett Packard.


IBM RS\6000








See also

List of Translators