MotionView User's Guide



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hmansys translates a binary ANSYS results file into a HyperMesh binary results file.  The syntax to run the translator is:

hmansys [options] <inputfile> <outputfile> <modelfile>

One or more of the following options can be used.  Use the command hmansys –u to obtain these options.







Reaction Forces


Reaction Moments


X Stress (T)


Y Stress (T)


Z Stress (T)


XY Stress (T)


YZ Stress (T)


XZ Stress (T)


X Stress (B)


Y Stress (B)


Z Stress (B)


XY Stress (B)


YZ Stress (B)


XZ Stress (B)


X Stress (max(T,B))


Y Stress (max(T,B))


Z Stress (max(T,B))


XY Stress (max(T,B))


YZ Stress (max(T,B))


XZ Stress (max(T,B))


Nodal Temperatures  


von Mises Stress (T)


von Mises Stress (B)


von Mises Stress (max(T,B))  


Principal Stress 1 (T)


Principal Stress 2 (T)


Principal Stress 3 (T)


Principal Stress 1 (B)


Principal Stress 2 (B)


Principal Stress 3 (B)


Principal Stress 1 (max(T,B))


Principal Stress 2 (max(T,B))


Principal Stress 3 (max(T,B))


X Strain (T)


Y Strain (T)


Z Strain (T)


XY Strain (T)


YZ Strain (T)


XZ Strain (T)


X Strain (B)


Y Strain (B)


Z Strain (B)


XY Strain (B)


YZ Strain (B)


XZ Strain (B)


X Strain (max(T,B))


Y Strain (max(T,B))


Z Strain (max(T,B))


XY Strain (max(T,B))


YZ Strain (max(T,B))


XZ Strain (max(T,B))


Principal Strain 1 (T)


Principal Strain 2 (T)


Principal Strain 3 (T)


Principal Strain 1 (B)


Principal Strain 2 (B)


Principal Strain 3 (B)


Principal Strain 1 (max(T,B))


Principal Strain 2 (max(T,B))


Principal Strain 3 (max(T,B))


Principal Strain1(vec.mode)  


Principal Strain2(vec.mode)  


Principal Strain3(vec.mode)  


Principal Stress1(vec.mode)  


Principal Stress2(vec.mode)  


Principal Stress3(vec.mode)  


X Plastic Strain (T)


Y Plastic Strain (T)


Z Plastic Strain (T)


XY Plastic Strain (T)


YZ Plastic Strain (T)


XZ Plastic Strain (T)


X Plastic Strain (B)


Y Plastic Strain (B)


Z Plastic Strain (B)


XY Plastic Strain (B)


YZ Plastic Strain (B)


XZ Plastic Strain (B)


X Plastic Strain (max(T,B))  


Y Plastic Strain (max(T,B))  


Z Plastic Strain (max(T,B))  


XY Plastic Strain (max(T,B))


YZ Plastic Strain (max(T,B))


XZ Plastic Strain (max(T,B))


Principal Pl. Strain 1 (T)  


Principal Pl. Strain 2 (T)  


Principal Pl. Strain 3 (T)  


Principal Pl. Strain 1 (B)  


Principal Pl. Strain 2 (B)  


Principal Pl. Strain 3 (B)  


Prin. Pl. Strain 1 (max(T,B))


Prin. Pl. Strain 2 (max(T,B))


Prin. Pl. Strain 3 (max(T,B))


X Thermal Strain (T)


Y Thermal Strain (T)


Z Thermal Strain (T)


XY Thermal Strain (T)


YZ Thermal Strain (T)


XZ Thermal Strain (T)


X Thermal Strain (B)


Y Thermal Strain (B)


Z Thermal Strain (B)


XY Thermal Strain (B)


YZ Thermal Strain (B)


XZ Thermal Strain (B)


X Thermal Strain (max(T,B))  


Y Thermal Strain (max(T,B))  


Z Thermal Strain (max(T,B))  


XY Thermal Strain (max(T,B))


YZ Thermal Strain (max(T,B))


XZ Thermal Strain (max(T,B))


Principal Th. Strain 1 (T)  


Principal Th. Strain 2 (T)  


Principal Th. Strain 3 (T)  


Principal Th. Strain 1 (B)  


Principal Th. Strain 2 (B)  


Principal Th. Strain 3 (B)  


Prin. Th. Strain 1 (max(T,B))


Prin. Th. Strain 2 (max(T,B))


Prin. Th. Strain 3 (max(T,B))


Swelling strain


Av. Eq. Plastic Strain (T)  


Av. Eq. Plastic Strain (B)  


Av. Eq. Pl. Strain (max(T,B))


Use alternate element IDs. (default off)


Do not transform to global. (default off)


Translate version5.3 rst file. (default off)


Translation is performed on disk. (default off)


Number of entities. (10000 default)


Scratch file name. (default off)


Outputs file to an H3D file instead of to an hmresults file.  The file includes model and results information that was translated.  The model must contain geometry for it to be output to an H3D file.


If the size of the binary file is too large for hmansys to use, use the following option:

hmansys -disk -size 10000 -file /tmp/scratch.tmp

In addition, the following parameters are also available when the results translation is not performed on the analysis machine and when the results file is binary.  One of these parameters may need to be specifed to indicate where the analysis result file was created:



Analysis File Created On




Dec 5000


Dec Alpha


Hewlett Packard.


IBM RS\6000








See also

List of Translators