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hmcmold translates C-MOLD results files to HyperMesh binary results files.  The syntax to run the translator is:

hmcmold [arguments] <inputfile> <outputfile> <modelfile>

<input file> is the name of the .fem file.  The results are written to the <output file> and the model is written to the <model file>.


[arguments] can be any of the following:




Flow Phase Results


Flow Nodal Results only


Flow Element Results only


Cool Phase Results


Cool Nodal Results only


Cool Element Results only


Cool Node On Element Results only


Warp Phase Results


Warp Nodal Results only


Pack Phase Results


Pack Nodal Results only


Pack Element Results only


Phase Comprehensive Results


Flow Vector


Cool Vector


Warp Element


Temperatures will be output in Centigrade


The following options can also be used:




Translation is performed on disk


Number of entities (10000 default)


Scratch file name


The command line arguments can be used alone or combined with other arguments.  When multiple-phase results are specified, the data for each data type is grouped.  Data types are grouped by their respective time steps.  C-MOLD data blocks have up to two independent variables and multiple dependent variables. The independent variables correspond to globally applicable quantities such as time steps.  The dependent variables are time-specific data, such as data types.  HyperMesh treats each independent variable as a simulation that stores the data types.


Supported Blocks



C-MOLD can read more than one independent variable and more than one dependent variable.  When a data type has more than one value, it is broken down into components and a number is added to the name such as _0, _1 and so on.  For example, if the data type stress has three values, these are displayed as three data types:  STRESS_0, STRESS_1 and STRESS_2

If the number of independent variables in a block is zero, a simulation named All_Phase is created, where phase can be flow, cool, pack or warp.

If you are viewing a transient animation and multiple independent variables exist, the data types and the time steps are arranged in the time steps’ order.  HyperMesh supports two independent variables.  For example, if the independent variables time and normalized thickness exist with different values, they are arranged as follows:

time=0.53 and so on until the last time step


and so on, so that the variation with the time of the required quantity is visible.


Supported Files

C-MOLD results files are separated by phase and have a fixed format.  Each phase has a number of files that correspond to a particular data set in the solved results.  The phase separation of the files supported in HyperMesh is:


The filename.of1 file is supported.


The filename.oc1 file is supported.


The filename.ow3 file is supported.


The filename.op1 file is supported.

The HyperMesh results translator generates a HyperMesh model file.  HyperMesh requires the model information to display the results obtained from C-MOLD.  If the model information is not available, you can specify the model file name as the third parameter in the command line.  The model file is not generated if this parameter is not specified.  The translator searches for the C-MOLD output files in the same directory as the .fem file from which the model file is generated.  Place the C-MOLD files in the same directory that contains the .fem file.


See also

List of Translators