MotionView User's Guide

MV-3030: Load Export

MV-3030: Load Export

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MV-3030: Load Export

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The Load Export utility allows you to bridge the gap between Multi-Body Dynamics (MBD) analysis and Finite Element (FE) analysis using MotionView by:

Identifying and summarizing all loads acting on one/multiple body(ies) for any given time step(s) in a tabular format.
Identifying and transferring all the forces and moments for one component at any given time step(s) to a NASTRAN input deck that contains GRID, CORD, FORCE, and MOMENT cards.

Using Load Export

To use this utility, specify the components in the MotionView model for which loads are to be processed.  You can do this by:

Using the MotionView Interface.


Editing the MDL model file to add force output requests on body(ies).

When performing the MS/ADAMS solver run on the MotionView model, you will get a metadata file (an ASCII file written out from MotionView that contains information about force output on a body).

This file along with the solver output files viz. MS (*.plt) or ADAMS (*.req) become the input files for this utility. The application scope of this utility is shown in the figure below:


Interaction diagram

Step 1: Creating a Metadata File and Launching Load Export.

1.Copy the load_export.mdl file, located in the mbd_modeling\externalcodes folder, to your <working directory>.
2.Start a new MotionView session.
3.Load the front vehicle model file load_export.mdl, located in <working directory>.
4.Right-click on The Model in the Project Browser and select Add General MDL Entity > Output, or right-click the Outputs icon, entityOutputs-24, on the Model-General toolbar.

The Add Output dialog is displayed.

5.Accept the default selections and click OK.
6.Use the drop-down menu to change the Output type from the default Displacement to Force.
7.Double-click the Body collector.

The Select a Body dialog is displayed.

8.Expand the model-tree.
9.In the Frnt macpherson susp system folder, expand the Bodies folder and select the body Lwr control arm – left. (or you can pick the Lwr Control arm - left directly from the model in the graphics area by clicking the Body collector once).


10.Repeat steps 4 through 9 to create an output force request on Lwr control arm – right.
11.Click the Run Solver icon run-24.
12.From the Main tab, change End Time to 2 seconds.
13.Save the solver input file as load_export.xml, to the <working directory>.
14.Click on the Run button, to solve the model in MotionSolve.

MotionView creates a metadata file named load_export.meta in the <working directory>.

Step 2: Using the Load Export Utility and Generating a NASTRAN Input Deck.

1.From the Flex Tools menu, select the Load Export utility.


Launching the Load Export utility


The Load Export utility

2.From the Load Export panel, open the file load_export.meta, located in <working directory>.

All bodies for which force outputs are requested are displayed in a tree structure in the Body Selection panel. You can select one or multiple bodies from the tree.  In this step select the body Lwr control arm-left.


Body Selection panel

3.Expand the sys_frnt_susp folder and select the body Lwr control arm – left.

All the forces acting on the lwr control arm – left are displayed in the Force Selection panel. You can choose any number of loads acting on the body. Only the loads selected by you are exported by the utility.

4.Select all three forces acting on Lwr control arm – left.


Force Selection panel

5.The Time Selection panel allows you to enter/select the time steps for which the loads are to be exported.
6.Click the Range button.
7.The current simulation runs from 0 to 2 seconds.  Specify a Minimum Time Step Value of 1 and a Maximum Time Step Value of 2.


Activating the Export panel

8.Click Apply.
9.Enter Min/Max Time Step Values.
10.Click Apply on the Time Selection panel.


This activates the Export panel.

NoteAfter time step input, you must click the Apply button to verify the validity of the time steps.  If a time step entered is not present in the ADAMS request file, an error message is generated and you must make appropriate corrections.
11.Select OPTISTRUCT/NASTRAN [1] by using the radio button under the Export panel.


Nastran options

12.Click Nastran Options [2] to launch the Nastran Export Panel.

This dialog allows you to enter the Nastran node ID numbers in the second column of the table.

You can specify three additional options:

-the Nastran deck format (Large/Small)
-the reference frame (LPRF/Global) in which the GRID cards are written
-whether or not to explicitly output the CORD1R card in the Nastran input deck (Yes/No)


13.Accept the default selections in the Nastran Export dialog.
14.Specify the Node ID’s as follows:
oLwr ball joint – 1
oLCA rear bush – 2
oLCA frnt bush – 3
15.Click Apply.
16.Click Export on the Load Export panel.
17.Specify a filename.
18.Click Save.

This creates a subcase file, in addition to the Nastran input deck, in the same directory as the .dat file.

19.Repeat steps 3 through 18 to export the loads on the Lwr control arm – right.
NoteIn point 2 above, if you select multiple bodies, the Nastran Export Panel will look as shown below:


Nastran Export Panel for multiple body selection