MotionView User's Guide

Loading an ADAMS *.adm File

Loading an ADAMS *.adm File

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Loading an ADAMS *.adm File

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MotionView allows you to import an ADAMS .adm model and converts the model to an MDL model.  Statements that occur in the ADAMS model that do not have an equivalent MDL element are held in a Templex template with parametric representation where applicable.  The MDL model that is created from the ADAMS model is a "flat" model since it does not contain a hierarchical structure.  By default, this model contains more markers and points than a typical MDL model since it generates MDL entities for each occurrence of an entity in the original ADAMS model.

Some manual steps may be required depending on the original content of the ADAMS model.  If the ADAMS model contains calls to user subroutines, then the parameters which are passed to the user subroutine need to be manually resolved due to the renumbering of entities in the MDL model.  Similarly, if you plan to export the model to another solver, then a Templex template needs to be created for the target solver.  This should be looked at closely, especially if any topology statements were stored in the Templex template.  The Templex template type that is used to store unsupported statements is set to type ADAMS.

When reading in an ADAMS model, you can choose to include the MDL standard include.  When this is selected, the definitions contained in the std_inc file are automatically included in the MDL model that resides in memory.  By default, the standard include will not be included since the ADAMS model contains units and gravity settings.  Units are read into the implicit unit set of MDL and gravity is read into the Templex template.  If the standard include is included, there is a risk that units and gravity will be duplicated when the ADAMS model is exported.

NoteIf a model has been saved from MotionView without the Embed standard include option selected and is subsequently loaded without the Load standard include option selected, then a warning is displayed, due to values being set for which there are no definitions.