MotionView User's Guide

MV-5010: Rigid body Animation - Advanced

MV-5010: Rigid body Animation - Advanced

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MV-5010: Rigid body Animation - Advanced

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In this tutorial, you will learn how to:

View force and moment vectors from a MotionSolve results file.
Use the collision detection feature
Use the measure panel to extract information from the animation results

Step 1: Force and Moment Graphics.

HyperView allows you to view the change in force and moment in the form of dynamic vectors that represent the magnitude and direction of the force and moment.

Copy all of the h3d files located in the mbd_modeling\animation folder to your <working directory>.

1.Start a new MotionView session or refresh your MotionView session by pressing SHIFT+F9.
2.Change the application on the page to HyperView.
3.Load the MotionSolve result file front_ride.h3d from your working directory.
4.Click on Vector icon, resultsVector-24, on the toolbar.


Vector panel

5.Under the Result type: select Force (v).
6.Click on the Display sub-tab and select By Magnitude for Size scaling.
7.Click on Apply.
8.Now, animate the results by clicking on the Start/Pause Animation button, animationStart-24.
9.You will see an arrow whose size and direction change dynamically as the simulation is animated from start to end. This arrow represents the magnitude and direction of force on a body or at a joint as it is specified for force output in the model.
10.Click on the Clear Vector button to clear the force vector.
11.For the Result type: now select Moment (v).
12.Repeat the Steps 6 to 9 to view the Moment vectors of the simulation.
13.Under Display options: try changing the scale of the vectors by changing the Scale value:.

Collision Detection

HyperView allows you to view and detect collisions between bodies during simulations.

Step 2: Using the Collision Detection Option.

1.Click the Add a page button, pageNew-24, from the toolbar.
2.Use the Select Application menu to select HyperView as the application.
3.Click the Load Results icon, fileOpenResults-24 on the toolbar.

The Load Model and Results panel is displayed.

4.Click the Load model file browser hv-tut_file_browser_icon and select collision.h3d, from your working directory.
5.Click the Load results file browser hv-tut_file_browser_icon and select collision.h3d from the same location specified in Step 4 above.
6.Click Apply.
7.Click the Start/Pause Animation icon, animationStart-24, to animate the model.
8.After the file is read, click the Start/Stop Animation icon, animationPause-24, to stop the animation.
9.Click the Collision Detection button, collisionDetection-24 on the Tools toolbar (if this toolbar is not visible by default, go to the View menu and select Toolbars > HyperView > Tools).

The Collision Detection panel is displayed.


Collision Detection panel

10.Click the Add button in the leftmost column under Collision Sets to add a new collision set.
11.Pick the Trunk body in the graphics area.
NoteClicking on the Components input collector will display the Extended Entity Selection dialog.  The Extend Entity Selection dialog provides you with criteria based selection options available for entity selection in HyperView.  This method of selection is not used in this tutorial.  See the Selecting Entities Using the Input Collector topic (located in the HyperView) to learn more about using this selection method.
12.Click the Add to Group A button.
13.Next, pick the Car body in the graphics area.
14.Click the Add to Group B button.
15.Under the Proximity section, click Enable Proximity checking and specify the Minimum Distance for the proximity check.
16.Under the Show result by: section select Elements by clicking on the radio button next to it.
17.Click Apply.
18.Click the Start/Pause Animation icon, animationStart-24, to start the animation.

The animation begins.

Wherever areas of the trunklid collide with the trunk (car body), the colliding elements turn red.  

The color yellow indicates proximity. When neither proximity nor collision is detected, the bodies retain their natural colors.

19.Stop the animation.
20.Try these additional steps:
-Try to view the Element and Component results alternately by clicking on the radio buttons in the Show Results by: section.
-Click on Summary below to get a text summary of the penetration.

Step 3: Using the Measure Panel.

HyperView allows you to measure certain parameters during post processing of the results.

Refresh your MotionView session by pressing SHIFT+F9.

NotePlease refer to HyperView tutorial Using Keyboard Shortcuts and Function Keys - HV-2050 for more information regarding keyboard shortcuts.
1.Change the Application to HyperView.
2.Load the file front_ride.h3d as the model and result file from your working directory.
3.Click on the Measure button, annotateMeasures-24, on the Annotations toolbar to go to the Measure panel.
4.Under Measure Groups click on Add to add a Measure Group.
5.From the measure type pull-down menu select Position.


6.Click on the Nodes button and from the graphic window pick on a point of your choice.
7.Turn on the check boxes for X, Y and Z.
8.Click the Create Curves button (located on the right side of the panel).

The Create Curves dialog is displayed.


9.From the Place on drop-down menu select New Plot.
10.For the Y Axis: select X and activate the Live link check box.
NoteThe Live Link helps you correlate the measured value with the animation.  As you animate the current animation model a small square marker moves on the measured curve to indicate the value of the curve at the corresponding time step of the animation.
11.Click OK.
12.Repeat Point 10 and 11 twice more by selecting Y and Z respectively and clicking on OK each time.
13.Click the Start/Pause Animation icon, animationStart-24, to start the animating the results.
14.You will see a marker on all the three plots which corresponding to the simulation time step in the HyperView window.

For more advanced animation options, refer to the HyperView tutorials.