MotionView User's Guide

MV-5000: Rigid body Animation - Basic

MV-5000: Rigid body Animation - Basic

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MV-5000: Rigid body Animation - Basic

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In this tutorial, you will learn how to:

Use some features available for post-processing animation results in HyperView
Control the display of the simulation results using Entity Attributes

HyperWorks animation functions allow you to view your model in motion.  The three animation types include transient, linear, and modal.  You can select the animation type from the animation types drop-down menu.


Animation types menu



Transient animation displays the model in its time step positions as calculated by the analysis code.  Transient animation is used to animate the transient response of a structure or multi-body system.



Linear animation creates and displays an animation sequence that starts with the original position of the model and ends with the fully deformed position of the structure or multi-body system.  An appropriate number of frames are linearly interpolated between the first and last positions.  Linear animation is usually selected when results are from a static analysis.



Modal animation creates and displays an animation sequence that starts and ends with the original position of the structure or multi-body system.  The deforming frames are calculated based on a sinusoidal function.  Modal animation is most useful for displaying mode shapes.

Multi-body Analysis Types, Animation Mode Settings, and File Types

The tables below show the animation analysis types, mode settings, and the model and results file types required to animate MotionSolve and Adams results.

Multi-body Analysis Type

Mode Setting

Parts in Model

Model File

Results File


transient_animation_icon Transient

Rigid or Flexible Bodies




modal_animation_icon Modal

Rigid or Flexible Bodies



Animation Information for MotionSolve Results

Multi-body Analysis Type

Mode Setting

Parts in Model

Model File

Results File


transient_animation_icon Transient

Purely rigid




transient_animation_icon Transient

One or more flexible bodies




modal_animation_icon Modal

Purely rigid




modal_animation_icon Modal

One or more flexible bodies



Animation Information for Adams Results

Step 1: Viewing and Controlling Animation Files.

In this exercise, you will view and control the pendulum animation based on the files output by MotionSolve.

Note        Copy all of the h3d files located in the mbd_modeling\animation folder to your <working directory>.

1.From the File menu, select New > Session to start a new session.

If a warning message is displayed, asking if you want to discard the current data, click Yes to continue.

2.Click the Select application drop-down menu, mv-tut_slct_appl_drop_down, from the toolbar, and select HyperView clientHyperView-24.
3.Click the Load Results icon, fileOpenResults-24, from the Standard toolbar.

The Load model and results panel is displayed.


Load model and results panel

4.Click the file browser icon, hv-tut_file_browser_icon, next to Load model and select the model file as single_pendulum.h3d, located in your working directory.
5.The field for Load results will be automatically updated with the same path and name.
6.Click Apply.

HyperView loads the animation file.

7.Click the XZ Left Plane View icon viewAxisOrientationZXLeft-24 on the Standard Views toolbar to change to the left view of the model.
8.Click the Start/Pause Animation icon, animationStart-24, on the Animation toolbar to start the animation.
9.Right-click on the Fit Model/Fit All Frames icon viewFit-24 on the Standard Views toolbar to fit the entire animation in the window.
10.Click the Animation Controls icon, animationOptions-24, on the Animation toolbar.

From this panel, you can control the parameters like speed, start time, end time of the animation.


Animation Controls panel

-Drag the vertical slider bar on the left to change the animation speed from fast to slow.
-Current time: show all the time steps.
-The Animate start and Animate end sliders can be set to restrict the animation to a certain window in time.  For example, moving the start slider to 0 and end slider to 3.5 to restrict the animation to these time limits and covers only a partial cycle of motion.
11.Click the Start/Pause Animation icon, animationPause-24, on the Animation toolbar to stop the animation.

Step 2: Tracing Entities.

HyperView allows you to trace the path of any moving part while animating.

1.Retain the animation file single_pendulum.h3d that was loaded in Step 1 above.
2.To trace the pendulum motion, click the Tracing button, annotateTracing-24, on the toolbar.


Tracing panel

3.Under Trace select Component from the radio buttons on the left.
4.Pick the entity/component that needs to be traced by clicking on it from the graphics window.
5.Change the view to the Iso viewAxisOrientationIso-24 view.
6.Under Tracing mode: select Last and specify 10 as the steps.
7.Animate the model. This displays the last 10 steps in the animation.
8.To turn the tracing off, click the Delete button to remove the selected components from the tracing list.
9.Try the From First Step and All Steps options.
10.Use the Display Options to change the line color and thickness.

Step 3: Tracking Entities.

The Tracking option allows one of the parts of the animation to be fixed to the center of the animation window and the rest of the parts move relative to the tracked part.

1.Add a new page to the session by clicking on the Add page button, pageNew-24, on the Page Controls toolbar.
2.Load the animation file front_ride.h3d from your working directory.
3.To Track or fix any part of your model in the center of the animation window and to see all the other parts moving with respect to the fixed part, click on the Tracking, resultsTracking-24, button on the Results toolbar.


Tracking panel

4.Add a tracking system to the animation by clicking on the Add button under Tracking Systems.
5.Under the Track pull down menu select Component and click on a part from the model currently loaded.
6.Select the Displacements and/or Rotations to track the part.
7.Click the Start/Pause Animation icon, animationStart-24, on the Animation toolbar to start the animation, and click the Start/Pause Animation icon again, animationPause-24, to stop the animation.

Step 4: Editing Entity Attributes.

In this exercise, you will edit the graphic entity attributes.

1.Retain the model front_ride.h3d loaded in the previous exercise Step 3 above.
2.Click the Entity Attributes icon, palette-24, on the Visualization toolbar.

The Entity Attributes panel is displayed.


Entity Attributes panel

3.Click the arrow to the right of the Entity option menu to expand it.

The list contains the following entity types: Components, Systems, Assembly Hierarchy, and Sets.

4.Select Assembly Hierarchy from this list to show all the parts of the model in the entity list tree below.
5.To change the color of the entire model:
-Select Assembly Hierarchy from the Entity option menu.
-Select All from the list of buttons next to the entity list tree (All, None, Flip, and Displayed).
-Select a color from the color palette under the Color section.
6.To change the entire model to wire frame:
-Click All from the list of buttons next to the entity list tree.
-Click the Wire Frame icon, visualizationElementsWireframeSkinOnly-24, beside Shaded.
7.To make the entire model transparent and shaded:
-Click All from the list of buttons next to the entity list tree.
-Click the Shaded icon, visualizationElementsShadedWithMesh-24.
-Click the Transparent icon, visualizationElementsTransparent-24.
8.Use the On/Off buttons to turn the entities on or off.
9.Use the On/Off buttons next to ID: to display and hide the entity IDs.