MotionView User's Guide

Road Profiles and Obstacles in TeimOrbit Format

Road Profiles and Obstacles in TeimOrbit Format

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Road Profiles and Obstacles in TeimOrbit Format

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If COSIN/road recognizes the road data file is in TeimOrbit format (typically, the file name extension is rdf), it branchs into the respective reading and evaluation routines.

The following sections describe the road types available in this format:

TeimOrbit 2D Road Type: drum

TeimOrbit 2D Road Type: flatbelt

TeimOrbit 2D Road Type: hydraulic_test_rig

TeimOrbit 2D Road Type: plank or cleat

TeimOrbit 2D Road Type: pot_hole

TeimOrbit 2D Road Type: ramp

TeimOrbit 2D Road Type: roof

TeimOrbit 2D Road Type: sine

TeimOrbit 2D Road Type: sine_sweep

TeimOrbit 2D Road Type: stochastic_uneven

Note        The most important road types are: drum, flatbelt, hydraulic_test_rig, and stochastic_uneven.

Please refer to the original documentation for the TeimOrbit syntax rules, as well as the meaning and content of all other data sections not documented here.