MotionView User's Guide

TeimOrbit 2D Road Type: flatbelt

TeimOrbit 2D Road Type: flatbelt

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TeimOrbit 2D Road Type: flatbelt

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The rotating flatbelt testrig is implemented as a 2D road type. If the ROAD_TYPE is set to flatbelt, COSIN/road searches and reads the following data items in the [PARAMETERS] section:

Name of input variable





Number of extra cleats on belt
(number_cleats = 0 allowed)



Direction of cleat relative to belt lateral direction. Direction is zero if cleat is oriented exactly in transversal direction. Direction angle is measured counter-clockwise if looking from above onto the belt surface.

Default value is 0 (transversal cleat).



Friction modification factor on cleats.

The flatbelt speed is defined by one of the following alternatives:




Constant rotation speed of drum surface.



Time span at beginning of dynamic simulation, to accelerate belt from stand-still to nominal velocity.

Default value is 0.


data sub-section

Arbitrarily  many lines with 2 values of type:
time, length/time

Data pairs defining speed-vs.-time data of the belt’s time-dependent surface speed profile.
t values (first value in each line) should be in ascending order.

The exact geometry of the cleat is defined by one of the three following alternatives:




Height of cleats.



Length of cleat, measured in circumferential direction of belt.



Length of bevel edge of cleat, measured in circumferential direction of belt. Bevel edge has 45 degree slope.



0: Cleat bevel edge is flat.

1: Cleat bevel edge is rounded by a quarter circle.


data sub-section

Arbitrarily  many lines with data of type:
2 x length

Data pairs defining x and z data of the cross section of the cleat. No rounding of edges is assumed. x values should be in ascending order. First and last y value should be zero.


data sub-section

Arbitrarily  many lines with data of type:
3 x length

Data triples defining x and z data of the cross section of the cleat, together with rounding radii in these data points. Rounding radii may be zero. x values should be in ascending order. First and last y value should be zero.

Optionally, the exact height geometry of the stoppers can be specified by spline data:

data sub-section

Arbitrarily  many lines with data of type:
2 x length

Data pairs defining x and z data of the stoppers. x values must be non-negative and ascending: x = 0 refers to the start in longitudinal direction of the stopper.

See Also:

Road Profiles and Obstacles in TeimOrbit Format