MotionView User's Guide

Running a Model with CD-Tire

Running a Model with CD-Tire

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Running a Model with CD-Tire

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CD-Tire will run in MotionSolve 11.0 (with the 11.0.201 Solvers SA installed).  An ADAMS/Car file written to run a CD-Tire model should run without modification in MotionSolve.

MotionView does not currently support CD-Tire models.  An MDL system which supports CD-Tire will be available in the future.

Tire result requests are saved in the standard output files (.plt and .abf files), written by MotionSolve.  Graphics of the model are stored in the .h3d file, which includes graphics of the hub forces created by the tire.  Tire and road graphics are not saved to the .h3d file.

Tire and road messages are written into the CDTire_error.log file.  Messages written to this file are documented in the CD-Tire documentation.  Four tire files (cdt_tire_fr.101, etc.) are written each time a standard vehicle (with four tires) simulation is performed.  The tire files contain information for each tire simulation, including the files it is using to perform the simulation, and information about the tire solution sequence.