MotionView User's Guide

Superposition of TeimOrbit 2D Roads with 3D Roads

Superposition of TeimOrbit 2D Roads with 3D Roads

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Superposition of TeimOrbit 2D Roads with 3D Roads

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All TeimOrbit 2D roads can be superimposed by a triangularized or RGR-type 3D road. This is achieved by specifying the name of the respective 3D road data file in the data section [MODEL] of the 2D road data file. This technique, for example, can be used to define a non-flat hydraulic test-rig cylinder surface by means of RGR data:

Name of input variable





Name of the 3D road data file (triangular or RGR type) to be superimposed to the 2D data.

See Also:

Road Profiles and Obstacles in TeimOrbit Format