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Accelerometer entities are used to measure acceleration in the simulation. Create accelerometers entities in the Model and Solver browsers.

Accelerometer entities are defined by three nodes. The first node defines the base point, and the other two nodes define a local coordinate system in which accelerations are measured. There are additional fields that enable you to adding a mass or subtract the acceleration due to gravity from the computed acceleration output.

Accelerometer have a display state, on or off, which controls the display of an accelerometer in the graphics area. The display state of an accelerometer can be controlled using the icon next to the accelerometer entity in the Model browser.

Accelerometer also have an active and export state.  The active state of an accelerometer controls the display state of the accelerometer and the listing of the accelerometer in the Model browser and any of its views.  If an accelerometer entity is active, then its display state is available to be turned on or off and it is listed in the Model browser and any of its views.  If an accelerometer entity is inactive, then its display state is turned off permanently and it is not listed in the Model browser or any of its views.

The export state of an accelerometer entity controls whether or not that accelerometer is exported when the custom export option is utilized.  The all export option is not affected by the export state of an accelerometer.  The active and export states of accelerometer entities can be controlled using the Entity State browser.


LS-DYNA - Supported cards

Supported Card

Solver Description

Supported Parameters



Define a seat belt accelerometer.





See Also:

Model Browser

Entity State Browser

HyperMesh Entities & Solver Interfaces