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Boxes entityBoxes-24

Boxes entityBoxes-24

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Boxes entityBoxes-24

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Box entities are enclosed volumes, which are represented by a box.  To create a box, select diagonal corner nodes, or enter diagonal corner coordinates which define the box. Nodes, elements, lines, and surfaces can be reviewed and saved within a box. Boxes are organized and displayed in the Box folder within the Model browser.

Boxes have a display state, on or off, which controls the display of a box in the graphics area. The display state of a box can be controlled using the icon next to the box entity in the Model browser.

Boxes have an active and export state. When a box entity is active, its display state can be turned on or off and it is listed in the Model browser. If a box entity is inactive, then its display state is turned off permanently and it is not listed in the Model browser.

The export state of a box entity controls whether or not that box is exported when the custom export option is utilized. The all export option is not affected by the export state of a box. The active and export states of box entities can be controlled using the Entity State browser.

Solver Card Support for Boxes


Supported Card

Solver Description

Supported Parameters



Defines a rectangle box.




See Also:

Model Browser

Entity State Browser

HyperMesh Entities & Solver Interfaces