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Contact Browser Context Menu

Contact Browser Context Menu

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Contact Browser Context Menu

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The following options are available in the Contact browser context menu:


Highlights the slave and master surfaces in two different colors, while the rest of the model is transparent and gray.



Displays the contact's master and slave surfaces in their assigned colors. The rest of the model display is left unchanged.


Turns off the display the contact's surfaces. The rest of the model display is left unchanged.

Isolate Only

Fits the selected contact to the graphics area, and displays the slave and master bodies in two different colors. The rest of the model is turned off.

Swap Master-Slave

Switches the contact surfaces identified as master and slave. Upon selecting Swap Master-Slave, the surfaces switch from places in the master to slave positions in the browser.

To select multiple entities, left-click entities while pressing CTRL.

Swap Cp-Tie

Changes the type of interface created. A surface interaction is required for Contact Pairs but not for a Tie, therefore any surface interaction identified earlier will be lost upon swapping from CP to TIE. If you switch back from TIE to CP, the surface interaction will not be retained.

Reverse Normals

Flips all the normals of selected elements or surfaces.

Display Normals

Displays the normals of selected elements or surfaces as vectors or in color mode.

Display Base Element Normals

Displays the normals for parent elements of the surface.

Normals Off

Turns off normals if they are displayed.