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Cross Sections entityCrosssections-24

Cross Sections entityCrosssections-24

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Cross Sections entityCrosssections-24

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Cross section entities store cross section definitions used in a crash analysis. A cross section is defined by a set of nodes and elements. These sets can be explicitly defined in the entity or computed by intersecting a given geometry (plane, circle) with a set of elements or components. Cross sections are organized and displayed in the Cross Section folder within the Model browser.

Cross sections have a display state, on or off, which controls the display of a cross section in the graphics area.  The display state of a cross section can be controlled using the icon next to the cross section entity in the Model browser.

Cross sections have an active and export state. When a cross section entity is active, its display state can be turned on or off and it is listed in the Model browser. If a cross section entity is inactive, its display state is turned off permanently and it is not listed in the Model browser. If a find operation "finds" an inactive cross section entity, that cross section entity will automatically be set to active.

The export state of a cross section entity controls whether or not that cross section is exported when the custom export option is utilized.  The all export option is not affected by the export state of a cross section.  The active and export states of cross section entities can be controlled using the Entity State browser.

The data names associated with cross sections can be found in the data names section of the HyperMesh Reference Guide.



Solver Card Support for Cross Sections


Supported Card

Solver Description

Supported Parameters



A set of nodes and a set of elements.




A set of nodes and a set of elements. Those sets are built automatically, by intersecting the concerned groups of elements with a disc.




A set of nodes and a set of elements. Those sets are built automatically, by intersecting the concerned groups of elements with a parallelogram.




Supported Card

Solver Description

Supported Parameters




Geometry type (Infinite plane, Finite plane, Circle)




Local System Flag (Rigid Body, Accelerometer, Coordinate ID)



Define a cross section for resultant forces written to a ASCII file SECFORC.


Local System Flag (Rigid Body, Accelerometer, Coordinate ID)


See Also:

Model Browser

Entity State Browser

HyperMesh Entities & Solver Interfaces