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Find Connectors from Parts or Links

Find Connectors from Parts or Links

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Find Connectors from Parts or Links

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Use Find to locate and isolate connectors that connect the selected entities/part(s) in the Link Entity browser. The found connectors are also highlighted in the browser making it easy to perform further operation. Find also isolates the realized welds of a connector if the realization view options button is activated in the Link browser tool set.

Find connectors from components can be accessed from the Link Entity browser's right-click context menu.


How do I Find Connectors From Supported Entities/Parts?

This process depends on the Link Entity browser.

1.Ensure that the Linked Connector view option toggle (connectorsLinked-24) is active.

If the realized welds of the connectors also need to be displayed in graphics then activate theconnectorsRealization-24 button.

Ensure that the Show/Hide button (displayAddRemoveConnectors-24) is active in Show mode, and then click the desired link entity,


Use the selector select-24to pick the desired link entities, and then left-click the Show/Hide button.


How do I Find Connectors Between Two or More Supported Entities/Parts?

1.Select two or more supported entities from the link entity table to find their connecting connectors.

The entities can be easily located in the browser table list by using the Selector button select-24 in the action mode tools. Click the button and select the entities in the graphics area to highlight it in the table.

If the realized welds of the connectors also need to be displayed in graphics then activate the connectorsRealization-24 button.

2.Use the Link Entity Browser advanced action buttons to show or isolate the shared connectors.