Use the Tetramesh panel to fill an enclosed volume with first or second order tetrahedral elements. A region is considered enclosed if it is entirely bounded by a shell mesh (tria and/or quad elements). Other element configurations generated in this panel are: hexahedral, wedge, and pyramids. These elements are typically generated when you need boundary layer type meshes on certain areas of the volume surface.
The Tetramesh panel contains the following subpanels:
Use the Tetra Mesh subpanel to fill an arbitrary volume, defined by its surface using tria/quad elements, with tetrahedral elements.
Use the Tetra Remesh subpanel to regenerates the mesh for a single volume of tetrahedral elements. The Free boundary faces option affects those faces of tetra elements which are on the outside of the volume, meaning the tetra faces which have only one tetra attached. Those faces are called free boundary faces.
Use the Volume Tetra subpanel to generate a shell mesh and fill the enclosed volume with solid elements. Given a solid entity or a set of surfaces representing a closed volume, this meshing option generates a shell mesh and fills the enclosed volume with solid elements. You can choose to create a shell mesh (2-D) using quads, trias, or mixed elements and a solid mesh (3-D) using tetrahedral elements only or mixed (tetras and penta) elements. In addition, you can use proximity meshing, which refines the mesh in areas where the features are small and closer together. See the following examples.
You can also use surface curvature as a function of element density as shown below. This option creates finer mesh in areas of high surface curvature.
When you select quads or mixed as your 2D element type, Engineering Solutions creates quad elements and splits them diagonally into two trias during tetra face creation. This can create tetra elements whose triangular faces are right triangles (90-45-45 angles) instead of equilateral triangles (60-60-60 angles).
Element order can be defined as first or second. Existing elements will be used if the order of the elements are the same as the defined tetramesh element order. Meshing will fail if the shell elements of solids are present and are conflicting with the selection. If you want to apply an extra stage of calculation to improve the overall mesh quality by removing some nodes and combining elements, select the Cleanup elements checkbox.
Use the Tetramesh Parameters subpanel to set general qualities of the tetrameshing engine, such as a maximum element size, growth rate, the balance between speed and element quality, or whether to perform smoothing operations after initial meshing.
Panel Inputs
Use the Refinement Box subpanel to define a specific box-shaped volume within an existing tetramesh in which to generate finer mesh.
Panel Inputs
You can specify some elements to be fixed, and others to be floatable. A fixed tria-quad element is one that must be exactly represented as a face of a tetra/penta-pyramid/hexa element in the final mesh. A floatable element is one whose nodes locations are used, but the exact connectivity of those nodes can be modified if it produces a better mesh. Unless you need a special mesh type (for example surface layers of pentas/hexas), you should select as fixed only those elements that must match a pre-existing mesh, leaving the rest floatable. If the bounding surface contains quad elements, and if these quad elements are defined as fixed elements, then a first layer of elements is generated on the boundary, and pyramid elements are generated from the quad faces. However, when quad elements are defined as float elements, they are split into two trias, and the tetra meshing proceeds normally.
You can also specify various growth options in order to control the tradeoff between the number of tetras generated and their quality. Higher, more aggressive growth rates produce fewer elements, but they may be of poorer quality.
The Tetramesh panel allows you to choose from three different mesh generation priorities. The generate mesh normally option applies in most cases, but if your solver is particularly sensitive to element quality, use the optimize element quality option. This directs the tetramesher to spend more time trying to generate better quality elements. In particular, it employs the volumetric ratio (CFD "skew") measurement for rating potential tetras. For some applications, element quality considerations are less important than mesh generation time. In those cases, choose the optimize meshing speed option.
The following panel inputs to create a solid model of tetrahedral elements from an enclosed volume with a tria surface mesh.
Panel Inputs