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Query Curves panel

Query Curves panel

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Query Curves panel

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Use the Query Curves panel to determine the x and y values of points in a curve on a plot.


Subpanels and Inputs

There are no subpanels on the Query Curves panel. All inputs and command buttons are located on the main panel.


Panel Inputs



plot =

Click the button to select the desired plot from a list.

curve =

Click the button to select the desired plot from a list of curves in the selected plot.

title =

The title of the selected plot displays here.

x =

When you click a point on the curve in the graphics area, its X value displays in this read-only field.

y =

When you click a point on the curve in the graphics area, its Y value displays in this read-only field.

points =

When a curve is selected, the number of points on the curve display here.


Command Buttons

The following action buttons appear:




Calculates the translations and rotations necessary to map the from: nodes to the to: nodes, and then applies these translations and rotations to the selected entities.


Undoes the transformation and returns the selected entities to their original positions.


Finalizes the transformation and exits the Position panel.