Engineering Solutions

Ellipsoids panel

Ellipsoids panel

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Ellipsoids panel

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Use the Ellipsoids panel to create and modify a single or multiple ellipsoids and cylinders.

Ellipsoids can be created at finite element nodes or geometric points.  When an ellipsoid is created, it is placed in the current multibody collector specified in the Model browser.  If a current multibody collector has not been specified, a collector is created automatically.


Subpanels and Inputs

The Ellipsoids panel contains the following subpanels and command buttons:


Panel Inputs



base name

Name for the ellipsoids (max length of 160 characters)

coordinates /entities

Toggle for choosing the method of determining the ellipsoid center.

center x /y /z

Appears when coordinates is selected.

X, Y, and Z coordinates of the desired center of the ellipsoid.

nodes /points selector

Appears when entities is selected.

Select one or more nodes or points on the screen


Associate the ellipsoid with an existing multibody.

radius definition

by value: contains three number fields that specify the length of the ellipsoid’s A, B, and C axis respectively.

by vector: contains three node selection boxes that define the length of the A, B, and C axis as the distance between the ellipsoid’s centroid to the selected axis nodes.  The by vector radius definition option also specifies the orientation of the ellipsoid by using the A node to define the A axis and the B node to define the A-B plane.

A =

Axis lengths

B =

Axis lengths

C =

Axis lengths

N =

Defines the shape factor of an ellipsoid.

This is the "order" of the ellipsoid; higher numbers make the ellipsoid more rectangular.  Typical values range from 2 to 10, because above a certain number the differences become very slight.


Select a color for the ellipsoid.


body system: aligns the axis of the ellipsoid along its collector’s local coordinate system.  If a current multibody collector is not specified in the Model browser, both the created ellipsoids and auto-created collector are aligned with the global coordinate system.

create system: provides node selection fields that define the ellipsoid coordinate axis.  The functionality is the same as the local coordinate system creation in the Systems panel.

system: provides a local coordinate system selection box.  When the ellipsoid is created, the selected system will be copied to the ellipsoid’s centroid.

create: ellipsoide

Create an ellipsoid.

create: cylinder

Create a simple cylinder.



Panel Inputs



ellipsoids selector

Choose the ellipsoids that you want to update.

radius definition

by value: contains three number fields that specify the length of the ellipsoid’s A, B, and C axis respectively.

A =

Axis lengths

B =

Axis lengths

C =

Axis lengths

N =

Defines the shape factor of an ellipsoid.

This is the "order" of the ellipsoid; higher numbers make the ellipsoid more rectangular.  Typical values range from 2 to 10, because above a certain number the differences become very slight.


Select a color for the ellipsoid.


body system: aligns the axis of the ellipsoid along its collector’s local coordinate system.  If a current multibody collector is not specified in the Model browser, both the created ellipsoids and auto-created collector are aligned with the global coordinate system.


no chang:.

create: ellipsoide

Create an ellipsoid.

create: cylinder

Create a simple cylinder.


hmtoggle_arrow1Command Buttons

The following action buttons appear throughout the subpanels:




Create the ellipsoid/cylinder.


Revert the last changes.


Update the ellipsoid with the recent changes.


To review an ellipsoid’s current settings without changing them, select the ellipsoid and then click review.


Exit the panel.


See Also:

Alphabetical List of Panels

Model Browser

Multibody Collectors panel

Systems panel