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Link Definition

Link Definition

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Link Definition

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A link is a reference to a separate entity. One or more links are added to a connector. The entities to which the links refer are connected during realization. The link definition consists of the following information:

Link Type

This is the type of entity that can be added to the selected connector(s) as a link reference. Supported entities are assemblies, components, surfaces, elements, tags, and nodes.

Link ID/name

The ID or name of the entity added as a link to a connector.

In the Update Link and Add Link dialog in the Connector browser, the Link Select row corresponds to the link ID and the link name. Clicking into the fields in this row opens a temporary panel in which a specific entity can be selected. Clicking proceed returns to the Update Link or Add Link dialog. The selected entity is used to add or update a link reference.

Link State

This defines whether the weld created during connector realization connects to geometry or mesh on the link. This only applies to assembly, component, and surface entities that can contain geometry and/or mesh information.

Link Rule

This defines how a connector treats an entity added as a link. Adding a link with an ID or name rule forces the connector to retain the link’s ID or name even if that link entity no longer exists in the database. This aids in part replacement when a new part replaces an old part and both share the same ID or name. Adding a link with the at fe-realize rule ensures that each time a connector is realized the closest entity of the correct type is found and connected. This is useful when connectors need to connect to a closest part in an assembly.

Note:The link reconnect rule (use name, use id, and so on) and the link state (connect to mesh or geometry) can be viewed in the link column by selecting the extended link information checkbox in the Connector Entity browser configuration window.

The Connector browser permits the performance of different actions on the links.