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Panel Set Manager

Panel Set Manager

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Panel Set Manager

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The Panel Set Manager is invoked by clicking the panelSet-24 icon, which opens the Manage Panel Set dialog. This tool allows you to create defined panel sets that will be automatically used in setting up Panel Participation diagnostic output in NVH analysis.  

To add a panel set, click the add-24 icon, which opens the Define Panel Set dialog, enter a panel set name in the Panel Set name field and then select a set of grids, components, or elements using the entity selector. When completed, click Create to create the panel set or click Cancel to discard changes made, and exit the dialog.

To edit a panel set, highlight the row corresponding to the panel set, click theedit-24 icon, which opens the Define Panel Set dialog, and make appropriate changes. To delete a panel set, highlight the row corresponding to the panel set, and then click the delete-24 icon. To select panel sets as the active panel sets, highlight the appropriate rows and click Select.          




See Also:

NVH Application