Engineering Solutions

Periodic Meshing

Periodic Meshing

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Periodic Meshing

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The Periodic Mesh utility can be used to generate a grid containing rotational and/or translational symmetric boundaries, for example rotating machinery. In the first step, the mesh on the source geometry has to be generated using any of Engineering Solutions surface meshing algorithms, for example 2D mesh with BL. In the second step of the Periodic Mesh utility, the mesh is mapped from the source geometry onto the target geometry. In addition to source and target geometry, detailed information about the transformation can be optionally entered.  

hmtoggle_plus1greyPeriodic Mesh Dialog

The Periodic Mesh dialog contains the following buttons:



Check/Modify Geometry

Performs a check to determine whether source and target geometry are rotational and/or translational symmetric or not.

Check Mesh

Performs a check for source and target mesh to determine if symmetry exists.

Map Mesh

Maps the mesh from the source geometry onto the target geometry.


Rejects the generated mesh.


Closes the dialog.


hmtoggle_plus1greySymmetry Options

To describe the mesh transformation between source and target geometry, expand the Symmetry options portion of the dialog to enter detailed information.

The following options are available in the Symmetry options section:




Defines the translation vector by two nodes.


Defines the rotation by an arc (defined by three nodes) or by an axis and a rotation angle.

Both options can be used simultaneously for one transformation.


After a successful mapping step, information about the transformation is plotted in the log region of the dialog.
