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Solid Face Alignment Utility

Solid Face Alignment Utility

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Solid Face Alignment Utility

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The Solid Face Alignment utility uses the face1 to face2 direction to determine the default stack or thickness direction for Abaqus composite solid, gasket and continuum shell elements. This tool allows enables you to align the face1 of selected solid elements (hexa and penta) to match with a planar face.  As a result, the default stack (or thickness) directions for all selected elements become normal to a plane. In addition, you can review the face1 and default stack (or thickness) direction of selected solids. The utility has three buttons:

Align Faces

The Align Faces button opens the Element Selector panel and allows you to pick solid elements. Selected elements are highlighted. When you click proceed, it creates a temporary skin of the selected solids and allows you to pick face elements from this skin. The selected faces are highlighted. When you click proceed, the face1 of all selected solid elements will match with the selected face element and a review of the stack (or thickness) direction will be shown.


The Review button opens the Element Selector panel and allows you to pick solid elements. Selected elements are highlighted. When you click proceed, it highlights the face1 of selected solids and draws an arrow along the default stack (or thickness) direction of selected solids.


The Reset button deletes the stack (or thickness) direction arrows.



See Also:

Abaqus Utility Menu