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Unsupported Cards by Solver

Unsupported Cards by Solver

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Unsupported Cards by Solver

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The following D00 cards are not supported for RADIOSS 5.1 and 9.0:





























































hmtoggle_arrow1OptiStruct, Nastran

This interface is the same for both Nastran and Radioss (Bulk), and can handle unsupported cards in several ways.  There are three basic types of unsupported cards: Fully unsupported cards, partially supported cards and forced unsupported cards.

Fully unsupported cards are read in and written out with the UNSUPPORTED_CARDS control card.  This is described in more detail below.
Partially unsupported cards are keywords that are recognized, but may have new or unrecognized fields within the card.  HyperMesh will read the card and all supported fields, but will ignore any unrecognized fields (meaning that unrecognized data will be lost).
Forced unsupported cards are manually added to the UNSUPPORTED_CARDS control card through the use of $HM_BEGIN_UNSUPPORTED and $HM_END_UNSUPPORTED HyperMesh comments in the input deck itself.  These are described in more detail below.


Unsupported Cards

Cards that are not recognized by the HyperMesh interface are automatically written into one of three [two for Radioss] control cards depending on where they exist within the input file.  They only receive simple supported as text, and are written in and out of the same section of the input file.


Unrecognized cards starting from the top of the input file until the CEND keyword are stored in this control card, and written back out to the same part of the file.  This is known as the executive control section.



Unrecognized cards between the CEND keyword and the BEGIN BULK keyword are stored in this control card, and written back out to the same part of the file.  This is known as the case control section.



Unrecognized cards between the BEGIN BULK keyword and the ENDDATA keyword are stored in this control card, and written back out to the same part of the file.  This is known as the bulk data section.


Forced Unsupported Cards

Any block of text in an input file can be forced into any of the UNSUPPORTED_CARDS by bracketing the text with $HM_BEGIN_UNSUPPORTED and $HM_END_UNSUPPORTED.


For example, consider the DTPL card shown above with a new field that is not supported in HyperMesh.  Without forcing the entire card into UNSUPPORTED_CARDS, the NEWFIELD would become lost during import/export.


Include Files

Include files can also handle unsupported cards in the same way as the master file as described above.


The Abaqus interface can handle several types of unsupported cards.

Unsupported materials
Unsupported cards (model part)
Unsupported step data (history part)


Unsupported material

Unsupported materials can be handled in two ways.

Automatically detect materials that contain certain cards that are currently unsupported. Once detected, those cards are preserved as simple text within the material card. On export, they will be written within the original material block and labeled with the comment **HM_UNSUPPORTED_MATERIAL
Declare entire materials as unsupported. To handle unsupported materials by this method:
-Insert the comment **HM_GENERIC_MATERIAL before each *MATERIAL card that contains unsupported keywords. Only materials with the comment will be imported as plain text.


-Select the Generic material check box on the Options panel of the Utility Menu. All material cards will be set as unsupported.


If a supported material card has a parameter that is currently unsupported, the card will be imported but the parameter will be ignored. You will receive a warning message during the import process.

Contents of unsupported or generic materials can be reviewed or edited with the card editor in the Model browser.


Unsupported cards (model data)

In addition to the unsupported material card and the generic material there are three places where currently unsupported keywords can be stored. All concerned cards placed before the first *NODE card will go to the UNSUPPORTED_CARDS_START, those between *NODE and last *MATERIAL block are placed in UNSUPPORTED_CARDS_MIDDLE card and all other unsupported cards of the model part can be found in UNSUPPORTED_CARDS after import. Once unsupported cards are detected you will receive a warning message during import.

The cards and their contents can be reviewed in the control cards area or in the Model browser.

On export, a comment is inserted before each type of unsupported card:



The start of unsupported cards will be placed before the first node card, the middle part behind the last *MATERIAL card and the last part will be placed directly before the Step definition.

However, there is one special case for unsupported model data cards. Abaqus provides several type options for the *INITIAL CONDITIONS card. Currently, the VELOCITY, TEMPERATURE, and FLUID PRESSURE types are supported. For these cards, a load collector will be created on import. However, in cases where the type parameter value is not one of these supported values, this card will be handled as an unsupported card according to the rules described above.


Unsupported step data (history data)

If unknown keywords are detected within a *STEP definition, they will be placed in the unsupported cards section within the step. There is an unsupported card available in every *STEP. New unsupported cards can also be added and exported by the Step Manager.



The complete list of LS-DYNA keywords that are not supported are listed below.
























































































































































































































hmtoggle_arrow1PAM-CRASH 2G





















Material Type 19

Material Type 24

Material Type 35

Material Type 80-83