
Define Tip-to-Tail Panel

Define Tip-to-Tail Panel

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Define Tip-to-Tail Panel

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Using the Define Tip-to-Tail panel, curvesTipToTail-24, you can calculate and draw the tip-to-tail function based on the current plot.  The tip-to-tail function is displayed immediately upon curve selection.


Define Tip-to-Tail panel

hmtoggle_plus1greyBased on

Select Off, All, Displayed, or Selected to determine the curve(s) on which the tip-to-tail function is defined.

Off - No vectors are selected and manual selection of curves is not permitted.  No resultant is displayed.

All - Bases the definition on all curves in the session.  Manual selection of curves is not permitted.

Displayed - Bases the definition only on the curves displayed in the window.  You can select curves manually.  To remove a curve from the calculation process, select the curve(s) from the Available curves list and click the forward arrow, forward_arrow, to move the curve(s) to the Exclude column.

Selected - Bases the definition only on the curves that you select from the list.

hmtoggle_plus1greyAvailable curves

Lists the available curves in the current session.

All - Click All to select all curves in the list.

None - Click None to deselect all highlighted curves in the list.

Flip - Click Flip to exchange the currently selected curves for the unselected curves in the list.


Lists the curves that you have selected for exclusion from the Available curves list.  These curves are not included when defining the tip-to-tail function.

To return a curve back to the Available curves list, select it from the Exclude list and click the back arrow, back_arrow.

hmtoggle_plus1greyDisplay Attributes

Select a curve or curves from the Available curves list and select a line style or line thickness from the color palette to change the display attributes of the selected vector.

Select Use preferences to use the default preference file in the current session.

How do I...

hmtoggle_plus1Define a tip-to-tail function and display attributes:
1.From HyperGraph 2D, select the Polar Plot plot type from the plot type option menu.
2.From the toolbar, select the Define Tip-to-tail panel, curvesTipToTail-24.
3.Under Based on, select All, Displayed or Selected for your selection method.

All - Bases the definition on all curves in the session.  Manual selection of curves is not permitted.

Displayed - Bases the definition only on the curves displayed in the window.  You can select curves manually.  To remove a curve from the calculation process, select the curve(s) from the Available curves list and click the forward arrow, forward_arrow, to move the curve(s) to the Exclude column.

Selected - Bases the definition only on the curves that you select from the list.

4.Once you've chosen your selection method, the tip-to-tail function is calculated and displayed on the polar plot.
hmtoggle_plus1Define the display attributes:
1.To change the line style and line thickness, select a curve or curves from the Available curves list.
2.Under Display Attributes, select a line style and line thickness.

The curve attributes change depending upon your selection.

3.Click Use Preferences to use the preferences defined in the current session.
hmtoggle_plus1Exclude a curve from the tip-to-tail calculation:
1.From HyperGraph 2D, select the Polar Plot plot type from the plot type option menu.
2.From the toolbar, select the Define Tip-to-tail panel, curvesTipToTail-24.
3.To remove a curve from the calculation process, select the curve(s) from the Available curves list and click the forward arrow, forward_arrow, to move the curve(s) to the Exclude column.
4.To select non-contiguous curves in a list, select then first curve, then press the CTRL button while selecting the next curve.
5.To add the curve back to the Available curves list, select it from the Exclude list and click the back arrow, back_arrow.