
Energy Distribution Analysis - Study Tab

Energy Distribution Analysis - Study Tab

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Energy Distribution Analysis - Study Tab

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From the Study sub-tab, you can perform a Partial sum, Modify energy, or Energy overlay response study.  To enable this option, you must first plot the energy contribution curves.


NVH-Utilities Browser - Study tab (Energy Distribution Analysis)



Frequency range

Indicates the available range, based on the frequencies that your energy distribution analysis has performed.

Using the From and To fields, you can customize your own frequency range.


The type of response study.

Partial sum - Select energy distribution to exclude from the total system energy, with an optional percentage to exclude.

% to Exclude

Optional field that allows you to exclude a percentage of the energy distribution from the total system energy.

You can also filter energy contributors to a smaller set by clicking the Filter Contributors dialog icon, filter-24.

Select contributors(s) to

Select the energy distribution that you want to exclude or include in the response study.

Click select_all_icon to select the entire list of energy contributions.
Click select_none_filter to deselect your current selections.
Click reverse_selection_icon exchange the currently selected energy distribution for the unselected energy distribution in the list.

Show difference curve as

Shows a difference curve between the original energy distribution analysis response and the Partial sum or the Modified energy energy distribution analysis response curves.

% of response - The difference curve shows the difference as a percentage of the original energy distribution analysis response.

Scale same as response - The difference curve shows the difference using the same scale as used in the response plot.

Display Options

Launches the Display Options dialog, which allows you to further customize the plot.


Displays the response study plot once your selections are complete.


NVH-Utilities Browser - Study tab > Partial sum plot (Energy Distribution Analysis)

See Also:

Energy Distribution Analysis - Load Tab

Energy Distribution Analysis - Display Tab

Display Options Dialog

Filter Contributors Dialog