
Multiple Sample Analysis - Structures MSA - Display Tab

Multiple Sample Analysis - Structures MSA - Display Tab

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Multiple Sample Analysis - Structures MSA - Display Tab

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On the Display tab, the Run Info sub-tab allows you to plot responses for runs with the highest and lowest responses for a particular frequency or a range of frequencies.  It is also possible to review randomized values used for the variables in a particular run.  The Parameter Effects sub-tab allows you to plot sensitive parameters contributing to response scatter at a particular frequency.  To activate this tab, you must first load a file from the Load tab.


NVH-Utilities Browser - Display tab/Run Info (Structures MSA)


NVH-Utilities Browser - Display tab/Parameter Effects (Structures MSA)



Run Info

Allows you to visualize the highest and lowest responses.  You can also review parameter values used in a specific run.

Frequency Selection

Select an option to choose the specific frequency or frequency range.

Specific frequency

Enter a specific frequency or use the slide bar to select a frequency value.

Frequency Range

Frequency range indicates the available range, based on your result PCH file.

Using the From and To fields, you can customize your own frequency band.


Show highest runs

Select the number of runs with the highest responses that you want to view.


Show lowest runs

Select the number of runs with the lowest responses that you want to view.


Display Options

The Display Options dialog allows you to customize the plot, including scale, weighting, and the plot layout.



Click Display to display the response plots for chosen number of highest/lowest runs.


Run Directory

Select the directory with the Multiple Sample Analysis runs.


Run Number

Click the response curve and the corresponding run number is listed.  It is also possible to enter the run number manually.


Modal Parameters

This sub-tab shows the list of modules and randomized modal parameter values and frequency and damping used in the selected run.


Connection Parameters

This sub-tab shows the list of connections and randomized connection parameter values and stiffness and damping used in the selected run.



This option allows you to generate a solver deck with randomized values of parameters in the selected run for further diagnostics. This opens a HyperMesh session, loads the assembly, and set the randomized values to parameters used on the specific run.

Next, you can export the solver deck with advanced diagnostic options for further debugging and root-cause analysis.

Parameter Effects

This allows you to plot sensitive parameters contributing to response scatter for a selected frequency.

Enter a specific frequency in the Specific Frequency field, or use the slider bar to select a frequency value.  When you use the slider bar to select a frequency, a red line is displayed on the response plot and is dragged simultaneously as you drag the slider bar.


Show Contrib

Select the number of sensitive contributors to be reviewed.



Select the type of parameter for review of their contributions:

oModal frequency
oModal damping
oConnection stiffness
oConnection damping


Rank by

Select the method of filtering the sensitive parameters.


Export Parameters

Export the sensitive parameters in an external CSV file.  This can be used in pre-processing to select the parameters from the CSV file for randomization.



NVH-Utilities Browser – Highest runs (Structures MSA)


NVH-Utilities Browser – Lowest runs (Structures MSA)


NVH-Utilities Browser – Parameter Effects (Structures MSA)