Once a note has been added to the note list, text can be entered and formatted from the Text tab. Enter note text in the note text box. Press ENTER to create new lines. There is no limit to the number of lines a note can contain.
Notes panel - Text tab
Expansion button
Click the expansion button, , to enlarge the note text box.
Font button
Click the font button, , to display the Font Selector dialog. The Font Selector dialog allows you to select font types, font styles, and font sizes for the note text.
Text can be left aligned, right aligned, or centered in a note box by selecting the corresponding radio buttons to the right of the text box. Text alignment is updated automatically.
Click Apply to process any Templex statements contained in the note and display the text in the note box or to update existing text.
Text Edit Context Sensitive Menu
Right-click to display a text editing menu when the cursor is inside the text box. Once the menu is activated, it remains open until you perform a procedure. You can perform the following text editing procedures:
Discards the last change made to the contents of the text box.
Removes the highlighted text and places a copy of the text on the clipboard.
Place a copy of the highlighted text on the clipboard.
Inserts text from the clipboard.
Deletes the highlighted text.
Select All
Highlights all items in the text box.
Right-to-left reading order
Aligns the text to the right of the text box.
Templex Statements in Notes
Notes can contain Templex statements as well as math and string functions and operators. In fact, notes can be complete Templex templates. Templex enables you to include text from an external file, call external functions, assign variables, and perform math operations within a note.
Note | See Templex Reference for complete descriptions of the Templex statements and for more information on writing Templex templates.
See Math Reference for more information on math and string functions and operators . |
Below the note text box are six buttons that represent Templex variables that can be included in a note. For example, if a note contains the variables {X}, {Y}, and {Slope}, the X and Y values, as well as the slope of the curve at the attachment point, are displayed in the note. As the note’s attachment point changes, the Templex variables update automatically.
Displays the X value of the attachment point.
Displays the Y value of the attachment point.
{T} or {Time}
Displays the time value of the attachment point.
Displays the name of the curve containing the attachment point.
Displays the slope (first derivative) of the curve at the attachment point.
Displays the curvature (second derivative) of the curve at the attachment point.
Other Templex variables that can be included in a note are:
These can be applied if you are reading a curve from an external file, such as an ABF file or an external reader. Within the external file, there can be a particular request to which a note is assigned, or a note may be included to improve the understanding of the curve numbers, for example. The note is preserved in and accessed from the x, y, or t data vector when reading the curve from the external file.
Displays the filename from which the data vector was derived. If the data vector is a math vector, no filename is displayed in the note.
Displays the index of the curve at the attachment point.
Vector data can be referenced in a note calculation using either of the following statements:
# is the number of a specific curve in the curve list of that plot.
vector (.x, .y, or .t) specifies either the X, Y, or Time vector for the specified curve.
For example, c1.x refers to the X vector of the first curve in the list. c#.vector can be used in notes attached to windows, views, and curves.
@ references the curve to which the note is attached.
vector (.x, .y, or .t) specifies either the X, Y, or Time vector for the curve to which the note is attached.
For example, c@.x refers to the X vector of the curve to which the note is attached. c@.vector can only be used in notes attached to curves.
Note When using c#, # denotes the position of the curve as it appears in the curve list in the Define Curves panel, it is not related to the curve label.