
HG-1030: Referencing and Filtering Curves

HG-1030: Referencing and Filtering Curves

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HG-1030: Referencing and Filtering Curves

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In this tutorial you will learn how to reference and filter curves.


The Define Curves panel can be accessed in one of the following ways:

Click on the Define Curves icon curvesCreate-24


From the menu bar select Curves > Define Curves.

This panel allows you to edit existing curves and create new ones. The Define Curves panel also provides access to the program's curve calculator.


Referencing Curve Vectors in HyperGraph

X and y vector expressions can reference any curve vector in the session. A curve vector reference defines the x or y vector (values) by page, window, and curve number. An example of a curve vector reference is p2w3c4.x, where:


is page 2


is window 3


is curve 4


is the vector

There are two common methods to specify curve vector references:

Pick a curve in a plot window

For the x = input field.

SHIFT and pick the curve to get the curve x vector reference



SHIFT + CTRL and pick the curve to get the curve y vector reference


for y = input field.

SHIFT and pick the curve to get the curve y vector reference



SHIFT + CTRL and pick the curve to get the curve x vector reference

Select a curve vector reference from the Curves… dialog, which is accessed from the Define Curves panel.

Exercise: Filtering a curve from the Define Curves panel

Step 1: Open Session File saefilter.mvw

1.From the File menu, click Open > Session.
2.From the plotting folder, select the saefilter.mvw file and click Open.

Step 2: Filter a curve using the SAE J211/1 filter.

1.Click on the Define Curves panel button curvesCreate-24.
2.Click Add and add a new curve.
3.Change the name of the new curve from Curve 1 to SAE J211/1 FILTER in the text box over the curve list.
4.Check the radio button for Math under Source:.
5.Verify that the x vector is active.
6.Hold the SHIFT key and click on the curve in the plot window.

The x = curve reference is p1w1c1.x.

7.Click the y = field, and click Filter… from the panel menu to display the Filter dialog.
8.Select the filter class SAE J211/1 from the Filter Class drop-down menu.
9.Select Filter Class: 60, Padding: Mirror padding, and Direction: Fwd-Back.
10.Click OK to complete the selection and close the Filter dialog.
11.Hold down the SHIFT + CTRL keys, then select the existing curve.
12.The x vector curve reference is entered in the saefilt95 function.
13.Hold down the SHIFT key and select the curve again.

Note: the curve's y vector is referenced in the saefilt95 function. The y = field should read: saefilt95(p1w1c1.x,p1w1c1.y,60,1,3).

14.Click Apply to create the filtered curve.


Exercise: Filtering a curve using the Vehicle Safety Tools and Plot Macros panel

Step 1: Load the ANGACC file.

1.From the Options panel, verify that Enable Unit Scaling is selected.
2.From the toolbar, click Add Page, pageNew-24.
3.From the Built Plots panel, load the ANGACC file, located in the ..\plotting\madymo folder.
4.Click the expand button, ellipse, to display the Y Requests dialog.  Click All to select all the requests listed.


5.Click All to select all the requests listed.  Click OK to close the dialog.
6.Under Y Component, click All to select all components in the list.
7.From the Layout drop-down menu, select One Plot Per Request.
8.Click the window layout icon and choose the two-window layout.


9.Click Apply.

The following plots are displayed:


10.Click the Next Page icon, pageNext-24, to view the other curves on pages 4 and 5 that were created in step 8.

Step 2: Filter a curve using the SAE J211/1 filter through the Vehicle Safety Tools menu.

1.Select File > Load > Preference File.
2.From the Preferences dialog, select Vehicle Safety Tools and click Load.

The Vehicle Safety Tools menus are displayed in the menu bar.

3.From the Filter menu, select SAE General > SAE (J211, Mar 1995) > Mirror Padding > Fwd-Back.

The Plot Macros panel is displayed.


4.For Filter class, change the value to 180.

Note: Time scaling is done automatically since Enable Units is activated from the Options panel.

5.To select all the curves at once, double-click Curve to display the Select Curves dialog.


6.To select the curves on pages 3-5, select p3: Angular Accelearation, hold down the SHIFT key, and select Z-comp ang. acc. under p5: Angular Acceleration.

All of the master references are inserted into the Curve field.


7.Under Layout, select Hide Input Curves.
8.Click Apply.

All curves are filtered.


9.Click pageNext-24 to view the remaining curves on pages 4 and 5.
10.The automatic unit scaling allows you to change the time from milliseconds to seconds, for example, without changing the curves.
11.Right-click from the X axis and from the Convert Units menu, select s. The curves remain the same as when Time was set to milliseconds.

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