HyperMesh and BatchMesher

Linear Solid Panel

Linear Solid Panel

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Linear Solid Panel

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Location:   3D page


Use the Linear Solid panel to create solid elements between two groups of plate elements.


Subpanels and Inputs

There are no subpanels on the Linear Solid panel. All inputs and command buttons are located on the main panel.


Panel Inputs



from: elems

Indicate the elements where you want the plot elements to begin.

from: alignment

Optional: define the from line’s alignment:

Click N1
Pick three alignment nodes on the first set of elements.

to: elems

Indicate the elements where you want the plot elements to end by picking them on your model, or click elems again and choose from the extended entity selection menu.

to: alignment

Optional: define the to line’s alignment:

Click N1
Pick three alignment nodes on the second set of elements.

distribute layers / specify layers

Use this toggle to choose between automatically distributing the generated layers, or specifying their locations.

density =

This field displays when using the distribute layers option.

Specify the number of layers to be created between the two groups of elements.

node list

This field displays when using the specify layers option.

Pick the sequence of nodes that define the layers you want to create.  The first node should be of the from: elements and the last node should be the corresponding node of the to: elements.

bias style

This field displays when using the distribute layers option.

Use the switch to pick between linear, exponential, or bellcurve bias.  This affects the spacing of the elements created during the drag.

bias intensity

This field displays when using the distribute layers option.

Use this to set the strength of the biasing effect.  A value of zero indicates no biasing at all.


Command Buttons

The following action buttons appear:




Generate the solid elements.


Undo the most recent solid generation.


Exit the panel.



See Also:

HM-3210: Creating a Hex-Penta Mesh using Surfaces

HM-3220: Creating a Hexahedral Mesh using the Solid Map Function

An Alphabetical List of HyperMesh Panels