HyperMesh and BatchMesher

Rename Panel

Rename Panel

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Rename Panel

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Use the Rename panel to change the name of a specific collector or to rename types of collectors to their respective ID with an optional prefix.

Note:A second version of the Rename panel exists in many modules, such as the Safety module or the Optimization module.  These alternate panels are analogous to the "main" Rename panel, except that the only allow you to rename entities appropriate to the module.  In contrast, the main Rename panel lets you rename any entity at all.


Subpanels and Inputs

The Rename panel contains the following subpanels and command buttons:


Panel Inputs



(entity switch)

Use the switch to pick the type of entity to rename.

original name =

Click original name = to display a list of collectors, then choose the desired collector from the list.

new name =

Type in a new name for the collector.


hmtoggle_arrow1All By ID

Panel Inputs



(entity switch)

Use the switch to pick the type of entity to rename.


This prefix, plus a number, will become the new name of every collector of the chosen type.  For example: if you specify "part" as the prefix, then all components of the chosen type will be renamed to "part1", part2", and so on.


hmtoggle_arrow1Command Buttons

The following action buttons appear throughout the subpanels:




Rename the selected entities according to the input settings.


Exit the panel.




See Also:

An Alphabetical List of HyperMesh Panels

An Alphabetical List of HyperForm Panels