HyperMesh and BatchMesher

Equations Panel

Equations Panel

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Equations Panel

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Location:   Analysis page


Use the Equations panel to create, review, and update equations.

From the Update subpanel, you to edit the connectivity, DOFs, weight, and constants for each node of the equation.

Equations are displayed as lines between the dependent node and the independent node(s) with EQ displayed at the dependent node of the equation.

Equations are used in Nastran as MPC (Multipoint Constraint Equation) or in Abaqus as *equation.

Equations are organized into load collectors.


Subpanels and Inputs

The Equations panel contains the following subpanels and command buttons:


The dependent node has one DOF and weight, whereas all the independent nodes have up to six DOFs and weights. Use the update subpanel to change the values of the individual nodes.


Dependent nodes is selected


Independent nodes are selected


Equation is created


Panel Inputs



dependent: node selector

Select the node where the dependent end of the equation is to be created.

independent: nodes selector

Select the nodes where the independent ends of the equation are to be created.

dependent node: dof1-6

The DOF to apply to the dependent node.


Dependent node weight

dependent node: dof1-6

The DOFs to apply to the independent nodes.


Independent node weight


Appears in the Abaqus user profile only.



Each update process must be completed before initiating another (that is you must click update after making changes to the connectivity before making changes to the DOFs or weight).  The message "The changes to the graphic menu items have not been applied.  Proceed is displayed if you perform editing in one category and attempt to start another before you click update.


Panel Inputs



equation selector

Select the equation to update.


Allows you to update the connectivity or add or remove nodes.

dofs and weights

Allows you to update the connectivity or add or remove nodes

dependent node: dof1-6

The DOF to update on the dependent node.


Dependent node weight

independent node: dof1-6

The DOF to apply to the independent nodes.


Independent node weight

set all nodes / set single node

Set all nodes applies the changes to the dependent DOF and weight and the independent DOFs and weights to the whole equation.

Set single node applies the changes to individual nodes.


Appears in the Abaqus user profile only.


hmtoggle_arrow1Command Buttons

The following action buttons appear throughout the subpanels:




Creates the equation.


Updates the equation with the changes made.


Rejects the most recently made changes.

card edit

Opens the card editor for the currently selected card image.


Display information at each node,  including whether it is the dependent or independent node, and the dofs and weight applied at the node.


Exits the panel.




See Also:

An Alphabetical List of HyperMesh Panels