HyperMesh and BatchMesher

Entity Sets Panel

Entity Sets Panel

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Entity Sets Panel

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Location:   Analysis page – Safety module


Use the Entity Sets panel to create, update, and review named sets of entities.

You can create sets of the following entities: nodes, elements, components, sets, properties, materials, assemblies, multibodies, ellipsoids, multibody joints, and multibody planes. Depending on the user profile loaded, only the entities relevant to that solver are enabled. For example, after loading the Nastran user profile you can only create/update node and element sets.

An entity set contains a specific grouping of nodes, elements, or components.  The nodes, elements, or components cannot be combined in one entity set.


Subpanels and Inputs

There are no subpanels on the Entity Sets panel. All inputs and command buttons are located on the main panel.


Panel Inputs




Enter the name of an entity set to create, or double click the button to select an existing entity set. Selection options only include sets of the correct entity type (node set, element set, and so on.)

card image

Enter the name of a card image to apply to the set.  This field is optional, and requires a user profile with a valid template.

set type

Use this switch to choose the type of set:

non-ordered: This is the default type of set; in non-ordered sets, the sequence of the entities in the set does not matter.  Entities of non-ordered sets are stored internally in ascending order regardless of the order in which the entities were selected.

ordered: Ordered sets are those in which the sequence of the entities in the set is critical.  This option is only available for node and element sets.  The output for this set of nodes is always listed in the order in which nodes were selected.


Choose the entities to be added to the set.

When creating a formula-based set, this selector changes to a switch that allows you to change the entity type, but not to select the entities themselves (since that is done via the formulae).


Use this option to create a set based on mathematical ranges, such as creating a set for nodes with IDs from 1 to 1000.

add by ids/ range / remove by ids/ range

Add by range: adds entities associated with a range of other entities.  For example, by selecting a range of elements, you could add all of the nodes within those elements.

Add by IDs: add entities based on ID numbers.  For example, you could use this to select all of the nodes in a certain component by picking that component ID.

Remove by range: works exactly like add by range, but in reverse; use this to remove entities from the set based on a range of other entities, such as removing the nodes associated with a range of elements.

Remove by IDs: works exactly like add by IDs, but in reverse; use this to remove entities from the set based on other entities, such as removing the nodes associated with a specific set of elements.

entity selector

Select the type of entity that you wish to pick.


Appears when add/delete by range is selected.

Type an ID value for the start of the range.


Appears when add/delete by range is selected.

Type an ID value for the end of the range.


Adds the chosen expression to the individual expression list.

individual expression

Displays the expressions selected.


View all of the expressions at once.  This opens a new window that shows every expression currently defined for the formula.


Command Buttons

The following action buttons appear:




Creates the set in the database.

When creating formula-based sets, you must click create before you can add expressions to the formula.


Clears the set contents and replaces them with the new selection. To add new entities to an existing set without clearing, review the entities in the set, then select the new entities to be added, and click update.

card edit

Opens the card editor for the currently selected card image.


Review the contents of a set. For component (or props, mats, assemblies, multibodies, and so on) sets, the elements that belong to corresponding components in the set are highlighted on the screen. You can identify the components in the set as those that are checked in the list (access the list by clicking the entity type).


Exits the panel.



See Also:

An Alphabetical List of HyperMesh Panels

An Alphabetical List of HyperForm Panels