HyperMesh and BatchMesher

Material Collectors Panel

Material Collectors Panel

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Material Collectors Panel

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Analysis page – Safety module


Material Collector toolbar button.


Collectors pull-down menu


Use the Collectors panel to create, review and edit collectors and card images or dictionaries.  This panel appears in specialized layouts depending on the type of  collector you wish to create; each layout is accessed from a different menu option or toolbar button.

A collector is a database entity that groups other entities, collecting all the data pertaining to those entities and allowing you to handle the data as a group.  Before you create an entity in HyperMesh, you must first create a collector in which to store the data.

The Collectors panel displays fields for card images or dictionaries depending on the type of solver template that is referenced.  If a card image template is loaded, or no template is loaded, the panel displays card image related fields. If a dictionary template is loaded, the panel displays dictionary related fields.  Card image and dictionary entry fields are used in the same way except that when a card image solver is being used and edit is selected, the card image is displayed in a new area of the screen.  For dictionary solvers, the data is shown in the existing menu area. confusing.

You can create a collector by three methods:

Create the collector and load a card image or dictionary.
Create the collector without a card image or dictionary.
Create the collector and copy the card image or dictionary information, along with the type of the collector, from an existing collector.


Subpanels and Inputs

The Material Collectors panel contains the following subpanels and command buttons:


Panel Inputs



mat name =

Type in a name for the new material collector.


Click the button and pick a color for the collector from the standard palette.

type =

Click this button to reveal a list of available material types.  The available types depend on the current solver profile.

card image = /
no card image /
same as

Choose between card image=, no card image, or card image same as.

If you pick card image=, click the card image= button to pick the desired card image.
If you pick card image same as, click the card image same as button to select a collector that already uses the desired card image.



Panel Inputs




Use this entity selector to pick the material collectors that you wish to alter.


Click the button and pick a color for the collector from the standard palette.

type =

Click this button to reveal a list of available material types.  The available types depend on the current solver profile.

card image = /
no card image /
same as

Choose between card image=, no card image, or card image same as.

If you pick card image=, click the card image= button to pick the desired card image.
If you pick card image same as, click the card image same as button to select a collector that already uses the desired card image.


hmtoggle_arrow1Command Buttons

The following action buttons appear throughout the subpanels:




Creates the new material collector.


Creates the new material collector and opens its assigned card image in edit mode.


Changes the selected material collector(s) to use the current input settings.


Changes the selected material collector(s) to use the current input settings and opens their assigned card image in edit mode.


Resets the selected material collectors to their original settings, discarding any changes you have made.


Exits the panel.




See Also:

HyperMesh Panels Listed Alphabetically