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Composite Size Panel

Composite Size Panel

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Composite Size Panel

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Location:   Analysis page – Optimization panel (OptiStruct user profile)


Use the Composite Size panel to define manufacturing constraints for composite sizing optimization.  For more information on composite sizing manufacturing constraints, see DCOMP in the OptiStruct online help.


Subpanels and Inputs

The Composite Size panel contains the following subpanels and command buttons:


Panel Inputs




Name for the manufacturing constraint.


Stack or PCOMP(G)

Note:PCOMP(G) covers both PCOMP and PCOMPG

laminates selector

Select the laminates

props selector

Select the properties



Panel Inputs




Name for the manufacturing constraint.


Stack or PCOMP(G)

Note:PCOMP(G) covers both PCOMP and PCOMPG

laminates selector

Select the laminates

props selector

Select the properties



Panel Inputs




Select the DCOMP design variable.

laminate thickness: min thickness / off

Enter a value for the laminate thickness (LAMTHK) minimum, or toggle the switch to off.

laminate thickness: max thickness / off

Enter a value for the laminate thickness (LAMTHK) maximum, or toggle the switch to off.

ply thickness: no. of constraints

Displays the number of constraints for ply thickness (PLYTHK). To modify this number, click Edit.

ply percentage: no. of constraints

Displays the number of constraints for ply thickness percentage (PLYPCT). To modify this number, click Edit.

balance: no. of constraints

Displays the number of constraints for balancing (BALANCE). To modify this number, click Edit.

constant: no. of constraints

Displays the number of constraints for constant thickness (CONST). To modify this number, click Edit.

ply drop-off: no. of constraints

Displays the number of constraints for ply drop-off (PLYDRP). To modify this number, click Edit.


hmtoggle_arrow1Edit Card Image

The Edit Card Image viewer is not a subpanel, but rather a separate feature accessed from within the Parameters subpanel by clicking edit.


Panel Inputs



ply thickness

Click the PLYTHK toggle in the lower half on the card image previewer.
Choose All or Specify Number of PLYTHK constraints.
For each PLYTHK constraint enter values for (TANGLE), PTMIN, PTMAX, PTMAN.

Ply Percentage

Click the PLYPCT toggle in the lower half on the card image previewer.
Choose All or Specify Number of PLYPCT constraints.
For each PLYPCT constraint enter values for (PANGLE), PPMIN, PPMAX, PPMAN.


Click the BALANCE toggle in the lower half on the card image previewer.
Enter the number of balancing constraints in the DSIZE_NUMBER_OF_BALANCE = field.
For each BALANCE constraint enter values for BANGLE1 and BANGLE2.

Constant Thickness

Click the CONST toggle in the lower half on the card image previewer.
Enter the number of balancing constraints in the DSIZE_NUMBER_OF_CONST = field.
For each CONST constraint enter values for CANGLE and CTHICK.


hmtoggle_arrow1Command Buttons

The following action buttons appear throughout the subpanels:




Create a new composite size manufacturing constraint.


Open the specified constraint's card image, allowing you to alter its ply-related characteristics.


Revert the creation of a constraint.


Exit the panel.


Highlight the specified constraint, and displays its current characteristics in the input fields.


Update the selected constraint's characteristics or parameters to match your inputs.



How do I…

hmtoggle_arrow1Define manufacturing constraints for composite sizing optimization
1.Select the Optimization panel.
2.Select the Composite Size panel.
3.Select create subpanel.
4.For dcomp =, enter a name for the manufacturing constraint.
5.Choose the type: STACK or PCOMP(G)
Note:PCOMP(G) covers both PCOMP and PCOMPG
6.For PCOMP(G) type click props and select one or more properties of the selected type.  For STACK type enter the STACK IDs (comma separated) in the text field.
7.Click create.



For more information on composite sizing manufacturing constraints, see DCOMP in the OptiStruct online help.


hmtoggle_arrow1Specify parameters for composite sizing manufacturing constraints
1.Select the Optimization panel.
2.Select the Composite Size panel.
3.Select the parameters subpanel.
4.Click dcomp = and select the design variable.


To define minimum and maximum laminate thicknesses:

1.Click the minimum thickness and/or maximum thickness toggle and enter appropriate value(s).
2.Click update.


To specify ply thickness, ply percentage, balancing and constant thickness constraints:

1.Click edit to open the card image previewer, then:

For ply thickness:

Click the PLYTHK toggle in the lower half on the card image previewer.
Choose All or Specify Number of PLYTHK constraints.
For each PLYTHK constraint enter values for (TANGLE), PTMIN, PTMAX, PTMAN.
Click return.

For Ply Percentage:

Click the PLYPCT toggle in the lower half on the card image previewer.
Choose All or Specify Number of PLYPCT constraints.
For each PLYPCT constraint enter values for (PANGLE), PPMIN, PPMAX, PPMAN.
Click return.

For Balancing:

Click the BALANCE toggle in the lower half on the card image previewer.
Enter the number of balancing constraints in the DSIZE_NUMBER_OF_BALANCE = field.
For each BALANCE constraint enter values for BANGLE1 and BANGLE2.
Click return.

For Constant Thickness:

Click the CONST toggle in the lower half on the card image previewer.
Enter the number of balancing constraints in the DSIZE_NUMBER_OF_CONST = field.
For each CONST constraint enter values for CANGLE and CTHICK.
Click return.



For more information on composite sizing manufacturing constraints, see DCOMP in the OptiStruct online help.


hmtoggle_arrow1Review manufacturing constraints for composite sizing optimization
1.Select the Optimization panel.
2.Select the Composite Size panel.
3.Choose the appropriate subpanel
4.Click review.
5.Select the design variable to be reviewed.


hmtoggle_arrow1Update selected components for composite sizing manufacturing constraints
1.Select the Optimization panel.
2.Select the Composite Size panel.
3.Select update subpanel.
4.Double click dcomp = and choose the manufacturing constraint to be updated.
5.If needed, update the entity type as one of STACK, or PCOMP(G).
6.For PCOMP(G) type click props and select one or more properties of the selected type.  For STACK type enter the STACK IDs (comma separated) in the text field.
7.Click update.




See Also:

Optimization of Composite Structures in the OptiStruct online help