Supported Card
Solver Description
Supported Parameters
Control acceleration results output on a subcase level.
Select a subcase (loadstep) and click edit. Check the box next to Output and then the one next to Acceleration.
Define a solution sequence for individual subcases.
Select a subcase (loadstep) and click edit. Check the box next to ANALYSIS and then select an analysis type.
Defines the method, frequency upper limit, and number of modes to be used in component mode synthesis for flexibly-body preparation solution sequence.
Select a component mode synthesis method definition for use in a subcase.
Check the box next to CMSMETH and select a load collector with a CMSMETH card image.
Control ply strain results output for composites on a subcase level.
Select a subcase (loadstep) and click edit. Check the box next to Output and then the one next to Cstrain.
Control ply stress results output for composites on a subcase level.
Select a subcase (loadstep) and click edit. Check the box next to Output and then the one next to Cstress.
Define a subcase specific objective.
Part of the optimization problem setup, created in the Objectives panel.
Define a subcase specific design constraint.
Part of the optimization problem setup, created in the Dconstraints panel.
Control displacement results output on a subcase level.
Select a subcase (loadstep) and click edit. Check the box next to Output and then the one next to Displacement.
Select dynamic loading information for a subcase.
Check the box next to DLOAD and select a load collector with dynamic loading information (DLOAD, RLOAD1, RLOAD2, TLOAD1, TLOAD2).
Retrieve eigenvalue and eigenvector results from a normal modes analysis from an external data file.
Select a subcase (loadstep) and click edit. Check the box next to EIGVRETRIEVE, choose the number of integer values to be defined, and enter the integer values in the card previewer.
Output eigenvalue and eigenvector results from a normal modes analysis to an external data file.
Select a subcase (loadstep) and click edit. Check the box next to EIGVSAVE, and enter an integer value in the card previewer.
Control elemental force results output on a subcase level.
Select a subcase (loadstep) and click edit. Check the box next to Output and then the one next to Elforce.
Control equivalent radiated power output on a subcase level.
Select a subcase (loadstep) and click edit. Check the box next to Output and then the one next to ERP.
Control element strain energy results output on a subcase level.
Select a subcase (loadstep) and click edit. Check the box next to Output and then the one next to Ese.
Select a set of properties to be excluded from a linear buckling analysis.
Select a subcase (loadstep) and click edit. Check the box next to EXCLUDE, then select a SET definition from the card previewer.
Select elements, and associated fatigue properties for fatigue analysis
Check the box next to FATDEF and select a load collector with a FATDEF card image.
Select parameters for fatigue analysis.
Check the box next to FATPARM and select a load collector with a FATPARM card image.
Select loading sequence for fatigue analysis.
Check the box next to FATSEQ and select a load collector with a FATSEQ card image.
Select the set of forcing frequencies to be solved in a frequency response problem.
Check the box next to FREQ and select a load collector containing frequency information (FREQ, FREQ1, FREQ2, FREQ3, FREQ4, FREQ5).
Global Model and Transfer Zone Selection
Select a subcase (loadstep) and click edit. Check the box next to GLOBSUB and select loadstep and grid set.
Control grid point force results output on a subcase level.
Select a subcase (loadstep) and click edit. Check the box next to Output and then the one next to Gpforce.
Control grid point stress results output on a subcase level.
Select a subcase (loadstep) and click edit. Check the box next to Output and then the one next to Gpstress.
Select initial conditions for a transient analysis subcase.
Check the box next to IC and select a load collector with initial condition information (TIC).
Select multi-body dynamics initial velocity information for a subcase.
Check the box next to INVEL and select a load collector with initial velocity information (INVELB).
Provide a label for a subcase.
Select a subcase (loadstep) and click edit. Check the box next to LABEL and enter a label in the card previewer.
Select static loading information for a subcase.
Check the box next to LOAD and select a load collector containing static loads (FORCE, MOMENT, PLOAD, PLOAD2, PLOAD4, LOAD), or inertial loading information (GRAV, RFORCE).
Select a multi-body dynamics simulation definition for a subcase.
Check the box next to MBSIM and select the load collector with an MBLIN, MBSEQ or MBSIM card image.
Select eigenvalue extraction information for a subcase.
Check the box next to METHOD(STRUCT) or METHOD(FLUID) and select a load collector with an EIGRL card image.
Select multi-body dynamics loading information for a subcase.
Check the box next to MLOAD and select a load collector containing multi-body dynamics loads (GRAV, MBFRC, MBFRCC, MBMNT, MBMNTC, MLOAD).
Define a multiplier for computed eigenvalues that are to be used in the calculation of the "weighted reciprocal eigenvalue" and "combined compliance index" optimization responses.
Part of the optimization problem setup, created in the Responses panel.
Select multi-body dynamics motion information for a subcase.
Check the box next to MOTION and select a load collector containing multi-body dynamics motions (MOTION, MOTNG, MOTNGC).
Select multi-point constraints for use in a subcase.
Check the box next to MPC and select a load collector containing MPCs.
Control MPC force results output on a subcase level.
Select a subcase (loadstep) and click edit. Check the box next to Output and then the one next to Mpcforce.
Select non-linear static analysis settings for use in a subcase.
Check the box next to NLPARM and select a load collector with an NLPARM card image.
Select non-structural mass input for entire model.
Check the box nex to NSM and select a group with a NSM1 or NSML1 card image or select a load collector with a NSMADD card image. This option is not allowed in the subcase.
Define a set of frequencies for output requests for a subcase.
Select a subcase (loadstep) and click edit. Check the box next to Output and then the one next to Ofrequency.
Request the output of applied loads for a subcase.
Select a subcase (loadstep) and click edit. Check the box next to Output and then the one next to Oload.
Define a set of modes for output requests for a normal modes or linear buckling subcase.
Select a subcase (loadstep) and click edit. Check the box next to Output and then the one next to Omodes.
Control the calculation of modal acceleration vectors.
Select a subcase (loadstep) and click edit. Check the box next to RESVEC and choose the desired TYPE and OPTION in the card previewer.
Select response spectra information for use in a subcase.
Check the box next to RSPEC and select a load collector containing response spectra analysis information (RSPEC).
Defines a rigid wall of the following types: Infinite Plane, Infinite Cylinder, Sphere and Parallelogram.
Check the box next to RWALL or RWLADD and select a group (RWALL) or a load collector (RWALADD).
Select damping information for use in a subcase.
Check the box next to SDAMPING and select a load collector containing damping information (TABDMP1).
Select the iterative solver.
Select a linear static subcase (loadstep) and click edit. Check the box next to SOLVTYP and then choose a load collector with the SOLVTYP card image.
Select single-point constraints for use in a subcase.
Check the box next to SPC and select a load collector containing SPCs.
Control SPC force results output on a subcase level.
Select a subcase (loadstep) and click edit. Check the box next to Output and then the one next to Spcf.
Select a linear static subcase for linear buckling analysis.
Check the box next to STATSUB and select a static subcase.
Control strain results output on a subcase level.
Select a subcase (loadstep) and click edit. Check the box next to Output and then the one next to Strain.
Control stress results output on a subcase level.
Select a subcase (loadstep) and click edit. Check the box next to Output and then the one next to Stress.
Define a subcase.
Created automatically, when a new subcase is created. The subcase ID matches the ID of the HyperMesh loadstep entity.
Defines a combination subcase.
Created automatically, when a new load step of type “Combination Subcase Delimiter” is created. The SUBCOM ID matches the ID of the HyperMesh loadstep entity.
Subcase-specific Model Selection
Select a subcase (loadstep) and click edit. Check the box next to SUBMODEL and select set ids.
Subcase sequence coefficients.
Select a subcom (loadstep) and click edit. Check the box next to SUBSEQ and input the combination coefficients.
Provide a subtitle for a loadstep.
Select a subcase (loadstep) and click edit. Check the box next to SUBTITLE and enter a subtitle in the card previewer.
Select fictitious supports for use in a subcase.
Check the box next to SUPORT1 and select a load collector containing SUPORT1 loads.
Select thermal loading information for a subcase.
Check the box next to TEMP and select a load collector containing TEMP loads or a load collector with the TEMPD card image.
Select integration and time step information for a transient analysis subcase.
Check the box next to TSTEP and select a load collector with the TSTEP card image. Set the toggle to either TIME or FOURIER, depending on the type of transient solution desired.
Define the termination time of a geometric non-linear subcase
Check the box next to TTERM and input a real value for the termination time.
Control velocity results output on a subcase level.
Select a subcase (loadstep) and click edit. Check the box next to Output and then the one next to Velocity.
Define a weighting factor (multiplier) for the compliance of a linear static or inertia relief subcase, which is used in the calculation of the "weighted compliance" and "combined compliance index" optimization responses.
Part of the optimization problem setup, created in the Responses panel.
Select time history output for geometric non-linear analysis
Check the box next to XHIST or XHISADD and select a group (XHIST) or a load collector (XHISADD).