Location: Geom page, solid edit panel
This panel allows you to select lines from your model to define the edges of a trim plane.
Three different methods of line-based trimming exist on this panel, separated into three different columns: with cut line, with bounding lines, and with sweep lines.
Cut Lines refers to creating a cut through the solid along a line that you draw with the mouse.
Bounding Lines refers to the process of choosing lines from the model geometry that define a plane or other 2-D area. The solid is then cut along this plane.
Sweep Lines refers to selecting lines in your model and then extending those lines to create 2-D cutting surfaces. Thus, you can "sweep" the lines through your model, either along a specified vector or to one or more end points, to define the cuts.
The boundaries of each surface highlight, even though the surfaces themselves are not selected.
The smooth line option creates a curved line that passes through the points you specify. The close line option creates a closed loop, automatically connecting the first and last points that you specify.
The same cut, rotated slightly.
UndoClick reject to undo the most recent trimming operation. Note that this will cease to work if you leave the subpanel and then return.
If you choose solids, pick the desired solid(s) in your model. If you select surfs, then you can select the desired solids by picking the surfaces associated with them in your model. The boundaries of each surface highlight, even though the surfaces themselves are not selected.
In this example, the top & bottom lines selected (white).
The selected solids are split along the plane bounded by the chosen lines.
UndoClick reject to undo the most recent trimming operation. Note that this will cease to work if you leave the subpanel and then return.
CommentsThis process uses the *body_split_with_lines command.
The boundaries of each surface highlight, even though the surfaces themselves are not selected.
These lines, plus their destination, determine the shape and orientation of the cut.
If you choose by a vector:
Sweep all means that the lines sweep completely through the selected solids. Input field enables a length field, so that you can specify how far to sweep. N1-N2 sweeps the distance between the N1 and N2 nodes selected in the plane and vector selector (disabled if you used a different option to define the vector). If you choose 1 or 2 end nodes:
Sweep all means that the lines sweep completely through the selected solids. The cut continues onward until reaching the edge of the solid entity. Sweep to nodes will only sweep the cut lines as far as the N1 and N2 nodes. Here, the line behind the cylinder is selected, and the green and blue nodes are N1 and N2.
HyperMesh sweeps the selected line(s) along the specified vector or through the specified nodes, splitting the entity along this path (which is frequently not planar when using "end" nodes). This example used the "sweep all" option, so the surface sweeps past the nodes.