
Message Log

Message Log

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Message Log

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The Message Log informs you of what the application is doing while you are conducting your investigation.


Note:Messages which are of type Error are always enabled and displayed in the Message Log. If the Message Log has been minimized and the application encounters an error, it will be maximized to alert you of the condition.


Change Message Log settings and access additional options from the Message Log context menu. Access the context menu by right-clicking in the Message Log.

The following options are available from the context menu:




Copies content from the Message Log. Paste this content into another file for your records.

Select All

Selects all of the content.

Clear All

Clears all of the content.

Show timestamps

Displays the time a message appeared.

Show All

Enable the display of Warning, Info and Verbose class messages, if any or all of these message types have been disabled.

500 Messages

Specify the maximum number of messages to display in the Message Log at any one time. This feature is useful in limiting the amount of memory the Message Log uses during the session.

Show Warning

Enable or disable the display of warning messages.

Show info

Enable or disable the display of information messages.

Show verbose

Enable or disable the display of verbose messages.


Select the level of detail to report for verbose messages. Levels range from zero meaning do not show Verbose to three meaning show as much detail as possible.

Log to File

When enabled, messages display in the Message Log and in a log file.


Enables you to access the log file or change the location of the log file if messages are being sent to a log file.


Displays summary information about the current session and message log status.

For example:

Time current
Time elapsed
Location of log files in the current HyperStudy session