The operators in the spatial library are available only through XML, and are not available via the Expression Builder. The 12.0 release updated the minimum distance and value mapping functionality first introduced in 11.0-SA-101, and is still in beta form for testing purposes. These operators may change before they are finalized.
Calculation of minimum distance from two node sets (the tire) to an element set (the bumper fascia) using the NSMinDisance operator with the display option set to “byall”:

The same operation with the display option set to “bymin” shows a single vector from each “from” patch to the element set:

The result is a vector that can be plotted directly or contoured.
Mapping of values from one model/result to another, can also be performed using ValueMapToNode. The image below shows both a coarse and fine model:

The model on the left is fine (~37K elements), and shows values mapped to from the coarse model on the right (~10K elements):

Calculates the minimum distance from nodes to elements.
from_id_list: list of IDs in from_sets to calculate distance from.
to_id_list: list of IDs in to_sets to calculate distance to.
from_coord: coordinate table associated with from nodes.
to_coord: coordinate table associated with to elements.
from_sets: set table associated with from nodes.
to_sets: set table associated with to elements.
display: string controlling output (byall = default, bymin, bymax).
elems: element entity table.
pool_name: name of the element pool in the set.
set_pool: set pool name (typically “shell” or “ELEMENT_SHELL”).
max_depth: spatialization depth (default=”7”, maximum=”12”).
answer: a real nodal vector table
• | NSMinDistance can compute inter-model distance (distance between nodes and elements in the same model) and cross-model distance (distance from nodes in one model to elements in another). |
• | When calculating inter-model distance: |
o | from_coord and to_coord can refer to the same coordinate table. |
o | sets must be utilized in order to select a patch of nodes to compute distance from to a set of elements. |
• | When calculating cross-model distance: |
o | from_coord and to_coord must refer to the relevant coordinate tables in each model. |
o | Sets can be empty, in which case the distance will be from all nodes in the “from” model to all elements in the “to” model. |
• | Set ID lists can contain multiple entries. This is desirable when computing distance from multiple source and destination patches. The syntax is as follows: |
o | Patches are separated by semi-colons. |
o | from_id_list = "1,2,3" to_id_list = "4" – defines one patch to plot the distance from sets 1,2,3 to set id 4. |
o | from_id_list = "1,2;3,4" to id_list="5;6" – defines two patches to plot the distance from sets 1 & 2 to set 5 and 3 & 4 to set 6. |
Expression Builder
XML Example
<call name="NSMinDistance" from_id_list="1" to_id_list="3"
from_coord="from_coords" to_coord="to_coords"
elems="slems" from_sets="from_sets" to_sets="to_sets"
answer="answer" max_depth="10"/>
Maps values from a source model to nodes on a destination model.
src: value table.
src_coord: coordinate table associated with src elements.
dest_coord: coordinate table associated with destination nodes.
elems: element entity table in from model.
radius: search radius around the destination node (default = ”auto”).
ctol: coincident tolerance (default = 0.00001).
srcTransformIDList: three space separated node IDs to transform from source model space (default = null – no transform).
destTransformIDList: three space separated node IDs to transform to destination model space (default = null – no transform).
aggregate: an aggregation mode (avg, sum, min, max, extreme)
max_depth: spatialization depth (default = ”7”, maximum = ”12”)
answer: a nodal value table
• | src and answer must be of the same format. |
• | If src is a vector or tensor, it should be relative to the global system. |
• | If one or more elements are within the coincident tolerance, only those elements will be processed (elements within the mapping radius, but outside the coincident tolerance will be ignored). |
• | Elements that are inside the mapping radius to the destination node will be processed based upon the aggregation mode. |
• | The aggregation rules for mapping are the same as those in the binding change operators (see Binding Change Operators). |
Expression Builder
XML Example
<call name="ValueMapToNode" src_coord="src_coords"
dest_coord="dest_coords" elems="from_elems"
radius="1" src="global_stress"
aggregate="avg" scale="auto"answer="answer" />