HyperWorks Release Notes

Resolved Issues

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hmtoggle_arrow1Solver Behavior Updated for Vehicle Models Containing Tires

With this release, the solver behavior for any model that contains tires has been updated to produce more accurate velocities and accelerations. The solver now recognizes force elements that model the tire and monitors the rotating wheel bodies so that the velocities and accelerations are computed more accurately.

For models that make use of the <Force_VectorTwoBody> modeling element to represent tires, you can expect to see smoother results slip ratio and tire rotational velocity.


hmtoggle_arrow1Using Python User-Subroutine Scripts on a Different Network Location than MotionSolve

Previously, MotionSolve was unable to access a Python script that was not located on the same machine as the MotionSolve installation. This issue has been fixed, now, you can run a simulation in a scenario where MotionSolve in installed on one machine and the scripts are located on another network location.

Note: you need to have read access to the network location where your scripts are located.


hmtoggle_arrow1Flexbody Visibility of MotionSolve H3D in HyperView

Previously, if your model consisted of multiple flexible bodies generated using a combination of PLOTEL and non-PLOTEL elements, the flexible bodies would not be displayed properly in HyperView. This issue has been fixed within this release.


hmtoggle_arrow1Resolved Issues in Linear Analysis

Several issues have been fixed for the linear analysis within this release:

If you request Simulink or MATLAB output files after a linear analysis, MotionSolve requires a valid <Control_PlantInput> model element that defines the input and a <Control_PlantOutput> model element that defines the output for the linearized system. If these IDs are not specified or specified incorrectly, MotionSolve will issue an error message and stop the simulation. These IDs can be specified via the pinput_id and poutput_id attributes in the <Param_Linear> model or command statement. See the documentation for <Param_Linear> for more details. For some models, MotionSolve wrote incorrect B and C matrices after a linear analysis when “write_matlabfiles” is set to TRUE. This was determined to be an issue with numerical tolerance and has been fixed for this release.
-For a model that contained only flexible bodies, MotionSolve crashed while writing the Kinetic Energy distribution. This issue has been fixed within this release.
-While requesting a linear analysis on a model with no force elements (or zero total force), MotionSolve crashed during the linear analysis simulation. This was determined to be an error in the solver code and has been resolved starting with this release.
When the ADM/ACF deck contained more than one linear command statements, the translation to XML resulted in a <Param_Linear> statement which was not equivalent. This has been resolved within this release.


hmtoggle_arrow1Building User Subroutines by using the GCC Compiler on Linux

In the previous release, you were unable to link your user subroutine code with the MotionSolve user subroutine API library (ms_usersubapi) using the GCC compiler. Starting with this release, this restriction has been removed. Now you can use both the GCC and Intel compilers to compile and link your user subroutine code.


hmtoggle_arrow1Incorrect Gear Ratio Calculated When Using the Constraint_Gear Modeling Element

Previously, a gear modeled using the <Constraint_Gear> statement resulted in an incorrect gear ratio calculation in the solver. This has been fixed within this release.


hmtoggle_arrow1The SENVAL Function Returns an Incorrect Value When the Sensor is not Activated

The SENVAL function should return a value of 0 when the sensor it refers to is not active during the simulation; this behavior was not seen in the previous release. This has been fixed starting with this release.


hmtoggle_arrow1SENSOR Causes a Crash if Deactivated Before the First SIMULATE Command

If your model contains a <Sensor_Event> modeling element that is deactivated before the first <Simulate> command is executed, the simulation would crash with the previous release.

This was determined to be a bug and has been fixed with this release.


hmtoggle_arrow1Post-processing Module (MS-Post) Crashes with ‘0’ Specified as a Marker ID

Previously, the post processing module in MotionSolve crashed if your model contained an output request that referred to a ‘0’ marker ID. This scenario may occur with older MotionSolve models. This has been fixed such that the post module simply ignores such a marker request.


hmtoggle_arrow1PROXIMITY Function Referring to a Deactivated Sensor Crashed the Simulation

Previously, if your model contained a PROXIMITY function that referred to a deactivated sensor in your model, the simulation would crash in such a scenario. This has been fixed such that the use of such a PROXIMITY function does not halt the simulation.

Note: It is important to keep track of which sensors are deactivated in your model since the PROXIMITY function referring to a deactivated sensor will return a 0 value.


hmtoggle_arrow1Rigid Body Contact for Box Graphic Defined with a Negative Length

Previously, if you modeled 3D rigid body contact with at least one body being a box graphic defined by a negative length, the contact force was not generated as expected. This has been fixed with this release.


hmtoggle_arrow1IF Function Doesn’t Return User Defined Value

Previously, if you defined a solver variable using multiple IF statements and queried the solver for this variable’s value in a Post_Request using VARVAL(..), MotionSolve did not return the exact values for the variable as defined by the user. Specifically, the values were incorrect at the points where the gradient of the expression for the solver variable is discontinuous.

This issue can be resolved by specifying dae_interpolation = “FALSE” in the <Param_Transient> model or command statement in the MotionSolve XML input file.


hmtoggle_arrow1Missing "XP" and "ZP" of Marker in XML

Markers with direction cosine matrix very close to the identity matrix were not translated correctly to the MotionSolve XML input file. This was caused by a loose numerical tolerance in MotionSolve.


hmtoggle_arrow1Sign of Velocity at Discontinuous Operating Point

Previously, for a kinematically constrained model, if you specified a motion on a joint using multiple IF statements, the velocity of the marker associated with the joint showed a difference if the model was solved using the VSTIFF or DSTIFF integrator.

This has been fixed within this release – the choice of the integrator does not matter for such a kinematic model.

Note: Use of the IF function to define motions is not recommended in MotionSolve, since the IF function tends to produce discontinuities which make it hard for the solver to converge and can produce erroneous results in certain cases. Please refer to the documentation on <Motion_Joint> for more tips on defining smooth motion inputs.


hmtoggle_arrow1Incorrect Gear Ratio When Using “Constraint_Gear” Model Element

Previously, a gear modeled using the <Constraint_Gear> statement returned an incorrect gear ratio in MotionSolve. This has been fixed within this release.


hmtoggle_arrow1State Variable Doesn't Return User Defined Value Correctly, Especially in Transient Analysis

Previously, a Motion defined as a saw-tooth function using a series of IF statements returned results inconsistent with the user input. This has been fixed within this release.


hmtoggle_arrow1Multiple Simulates with Time Dependent Motion Result in Incorrect Answers

Previously, if your model contained multiple Simulate commands and a <Motion_Joint> modeling element was modified in between the analyses, MotionSolve did not update the <Motion_Joint> value correctly thus yielding incorrect results or simulation failure. Such a scenario is shown below:


This has been resolved with this release.


hmtoggle_arrow1Suspension Design Factor (SDF) Outputs Caused Certain Models to Fail During GTCMAT Calls

Previously, certain models that had SDF outputs defined in them failed the GTCMAT calls. This was determined to be an issue in the solver code and has been fixed with this release.


hmtoggle_arrow1Save and Load Issue with Models Containing Joint Friction

Previously, if you save and load your model that contains joint friction modelling elements, the reloaded model will not solve correctly. This has been identified as an error in writing the model upon saving.