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Block Format Keyword

/DEFAULT/INTER/TYPE11 - Interface Type 11 Default Value Definition


Defines default values for Type 11 interfaces.






































hmtoggle_plus1Flag Definition



SI Unit Example


Stiffness definition flag


= 0: default, set to 5

= 1: Stfac is a stiffness value

= 2, 3, 4 and 5: Stfac is a stiffness scale factor and the interface stiffness is computed from both master and slave characteristics.



Gap/element option flag


= 0: default, set to 1000

= 1: gap varies accordingly to the characteristics of the impacted master line and the impacting slave node.

= 3: gap varies according to the characteristics of the impacted master line and the impacting slave node + gap is taken into account the size of the elements.

= 1000: gap is constant equal to Gapmin (default)



Friction penalty formulation type (Comments 17 and 18 in /INTER/TYPE11)


= 0: default, set to 1

= 1: viscous (total) formulation (default)

= 2: stiffness (incremental) formulation



Node and segment deletion flag (Comment 6 in /INTER/TYPE11)


= 0: default, set to 1000

= 1: when all the elements (4-node shells, 3-node shells, solids, beams, trusses, and springs) associated to one segment are deleted, the segment is removed from the interface. It is also removed in case of explicit deletion using RADIOSS Engine keyword /DEL in the Engine file.

Additionally, non-connected nodes are removed from the interface.

= 2: when an element (4-node shell, 3-node shell, solid, beam, truss, spring) is deleted, the corresponding segment is removed from the interface. It is also removed in case of explicit deletion using RADIOSS Engine keyword /DEL in the Engine file.

Additionally, non-connected nodes are removed from the interface.

= -1: same as =1, except non-connected nodes are not removed from the slave side of the interface.

= -2: same as =2, except non-connected nodes are not removed from the slave side of the interface.

= 1000: no deletion (default)



Deactivation flag of stiffness (Comment 13 in /INTER/TYPE11)


= 0: default, set to 1000

= 1: deactivation of stiffness on nodes

= 2: deactivation of stiffness on elements

= 3: change node coordinates to avoid initial penetrations

= 5: gap is variable with time and initial gap is computed as follows:

with P0 the initial penetration

= 6: gap is variable with time but initial penetration is computed as follows (the node is slightly depenetrated):

= 1000: no action (default)